
Cats do love their owners, according to science. Look out for these behaviors to prove that your cat truly loves you.

1. Watch how they greet you

One of the most obvious signs that your beloved pet is fond of you, is the way that your cat greets you. When cats greet members of their social group they show signals to indicate friendship and a desire to move closer. Cats also show these signals to humans. A tail held in the upright position shows a friendly intention, indicating familiarity and trust. Some cats also use an upright question mark shaped tail to greet someone they like. Rolling over and showing their belly(腹部) is another gesture that a cat has trust in you. The feeling when your cat hits the back of your knee can also be a sign that they feel an extremely close bond(关系) to you.

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Cats use scent to identify members of their social group or family, by sharing a group scent profile. Cats have scent glands(气味腺) on their flanks, head and around their ears, and often rub their heads against people and objects that are familiar and comforting. Does your cat rub its head or side against your legs? The soft sensation you feel against your calves(小腿肚) is actually your cat identifying you as a friend and is a sign that it loves you.

3. They get up close

Cats are very protective of their personal space and don’t like unwelcome guests. If a cat allows you to get close to it, that suggests a close bond, particularly where the contact happens often or lasts long. A cat shows its deep trust by curling up on your lap for a nap. Besides, it’s licking your hand or face can be a show of love.


1.Which of the greetings are considered friendly? ① Your cat puts its tail in the upright position. ② Your cat keeps its tail hanging down. ③ Your cat exposes its belly to you. ④Your cat hits the back of your knee.

A ①②③

B ①②④

C ②③④

D ①③④

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段的“A tail held in the upright position shows a friendly intention”以及“Rolling over and exposing their belly is another gesture that a cat has trust in you. The feeling when your cat hits the back of your knee can also be a sign...”可知,猫的尾巴直立表示友好,猫露出肚皮以及蹭你的小腿都是友好的表现。只有② 项“垂着尾巴”不代表友好。故选D。

2.What can be put back into the blank?

A Watch how they shut and open their eyes.

B Allow you to get close to their food.

C Watch how they rub their heads.

D Look out for scenting.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段中反复出现的“Cats use scent to identify members”“a group scent profile”以及“scent glands”等可知,本段主要描述猫使用气味来识别其社会群体或家庭成员,因此“注意气味”符合题意。故选D。

3.What can we know about cats from the text?

A Cats always doubt if their owner loves them.

B For cats, shorter distance shows closeness.

C It is easy for cats to trust humans.

D Cats are tired of staying alone.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段的“If a cat allows you to get close to them, that suggests a close bond”可知,猫非常保护自己的私人空间,如果一只猫允许你靠近它,这表明你和它们有着紧密的联系。故选B。

4.What is the best title for this text?

A Three ways to let your cat feel safe and comfortable.

B Ways to know whether your cat is happy or not.

C Three ways to tell if your cat loves you.

D Ways to let your cat feel a close bond to you.
