
Did you know you could save ¥10,000 over a year with only ¥27.39 a day? How can you stop buying things you don’t need? Here is some advice that may help.

The first step is to know why you’re buying them. Are you bored? Are you lonely? Sometimes the reason why we buy things is really unbelievable, but we can truly work towards smarter money habits once we know.

Then, you need something to do with the money you’re going to start saving, and it doesn’t have to be buying more useless things! Instead, think of planning a trip, dressing up your home, or even buying a new car. When you know that you’re saving towards something specific(具体的), you can say “no” to unnecessary shopping.

Checking what you have is also a good idea. By checking what you have around the house, you will know what you do not need to buy. It will also help you give up all the things you’ve bought over the years that no longer serve you. You can donate, give away to friends and family, or even try to sell them.

What’s more, you can find a new hobby or activity. Shopping takes up a lot of time, when you find a new hobby or activity, you will have no time for going back to stores or shopping online.

Remember you are only human. To err is human. Imagine if your loved one made a mistake with their spending and bought something they didn’t need. What would you do? I think you would forgive them. Please be kind in the same way to yourself.

Stopping shopping is hard, but it’s less hard when you create a plan to stop buying stuff you don’t need. Remember, it’s a work in progress. Keep your goal in your mind—you can make it!


1.What should we do first to stop buying useless things?

A Make a plan.

B Ask questions.

C Find the reason.

D Change our habits.


2.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A Say “no” to unnecessary shopping.

B Set a goal to encourage yourself.

C Make it clear what you have.

D Develop a hobby or skill.

解析:选B。B段落大意题。根据第三段内容及关键信息“you need something to do”和“Instead, think of planning a trip, dressing up your home, or even buying a new car”“saving towards something specific”可知,本段主要讲的是为存钱设立一个目标,当目标明确的时候,就可以坚定地避免不必要的购物。故选B。

3.Why should we know what we already have?

A To save more time for our family.

B To prevent us from giving up shopping.

C To donate things we don’t use anymore.

D To stay away from unnecessary shopping.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第四段的“By checking what you have around the house, you will know what you do not need to buy.”可知,当我们知道家里面已经有什么的时候,我们就会知道我们不需要再买什么(这样有助于我们减少不必要的购物)。故选D。

4.What does the underlined part “To err is human.” mean?

A Love me, love my dog.

B Everyone makes mistakes.

C Everything goes wrong in a hurry.

D Serious people make only one mistake.

解析:选B。B句意理解题。根据倒数第二段划线部分前文的“Remember you are only human.”以及后文内容可知,作者认为“人非圣贤孰能无过”,假设你亲近的人买了不必要的东西,你一定会原谅他们,于是作者呼吁我们也要原谅我们自己犯的错误。故选B。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In a textbook.

B In a life magazine.

C In a travel guide.

D In a story book.
