
Too often, many people, especially teenagers don’t think before they post. So they post a thought they think is funny or a photo or video they feel good about. Within seconds, the whole world can see what they’ve posted. Most of the time, this isn’t a problem—but here are 3 things for teenagers to consider before posting on social media(社交媒体), to help you avoid making a mistake.

1. Who will read it?

Any time we post something, there is possibility for that post to go viral(疯传). You need to be clear that there is no privacy on the Internet. You should know that all your friends, teachers, families, and any people you may never meet can (and might) see everything you post.

2.    ▲        

Before posting, you need to consider the people who may read the post or hear about it. Will the post embarrass anyone? Will it hurt someone’s feelings? Will it make someone feel unsafe?

3. How does it represent(代表) you?

When you post, you are sending out a representation of yourself. You need to realize that you will be judged because of your posts. When your posts include pictures or videos, you will be judged on superficial(表面的) aspects of the posts including how you look, and the clothes you wear. You’ll also be judged on your opinions about social problems.

So, before posting, you should take a moment to look over the post and consider whether it’s appropriate. If you aren’t sure, you should probably remember : When in doubt, don’t.


1.Who is the passage written for?

A Teenagers.

B Parents.

C Doctors.

D Teachers.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段的“especially teenagers”以及“but here are 3 things for teenagers to consider”可知,这篇文章是写给青少年的,帮助他们在网上规范发言。故选A。

2.What can be put back into the “   ▲   ”?

A Will it be dangerous to post your personal information?

B Why are your posts quickly going viral?

C When is the best time to post?

D How will others feel when they read it?


3.What can be learned from Paragraph 4?

A Opinions about social problems are not good.

B Teenagers shouldn’t post on the Internet too often.

C Your posts decide your image in a way.

D Posts including pictures or videos are popular.


4.Which can take the place of the underlined word “appropriate”?

A Valuable.

B Believable.

C Reusable.

D Acceptable.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。本文主要讲了青少年在发帖前应该考虑的三个问题;又根据划线部分前面的“before posting, you should take a moment to look over the post”可知,该段是对整篇内容的总结,发帖前青少年们要花时间看看帖子,想一想帖子内容是否“合适”,即能否被其他人接受。故选D。

5.Where can you probably read the passage?

A In a science magazine.

B In an exhibition guide.

C In an education magazine.

D In a history book.
