
Does the time that we eat matter when everything else is kept the same? Is eating later in the day to the disadvantage of weight loss? The answers are both yes—eating later in the day will double odds of being hungrier, according to a study published Tuesday in the journal Cell Metabolism.

The study was small—only 16 overweight or obese people—but carefully planned to get rid of other potential causes of weight gain, the authors said. Researchers strictly controlled the amount, composition and timing of meals, physical activity, sleep, room temperature and light exposure. All participants were in good health, with no history of diabetes(糖尿病) or shift work, and had regular physical activity. Each person in the study kept to a strict healthy sleep/wake schedule for about three weeks and was provided with prepared meals at fixed times for three days before the lab experiment began.

Participants were then divided into two groups in a random order. One group ate calorie-controlled meals at 8 a.m., noon and 4 p.m., while the other ate the same meals four hours later, at noon, 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. for the six days reported in the study. Measures of hunger and appetite were gathered 18 times each while tests for body fat, temperature and energy consumption was gathered on three separate days.

Results showed that sense of hunger doubled for those on a night-eating schedule. People who ate later in the day also reported a desire for salty foods and meat, and, to a lesser extent, a desire for dairy foods and vegetables. When participants ate later in the day they also burned calories at a slower rate than when they ate at earlier times. Tests of their body fat found changes in genes that would impact how fat is burned or stored, the study found. These changes in gene expression would support the growth of fat tissue by formation of more fat cells, as well as by increased fat storage.


1.What does the underlined word “odds” mean?

A Disadvantages.

B Changes.

C Possibilities.

D Reasons.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据划线部分前文的“Is eating later in the day to the disadvantage of weight loss? The answers are both yes”可知,用餐晚不利于减肥,结合划线部分后文“...of being hungrier”可猜测,用餐太晚可能会让人增加食欲,从而使人们吃得更多(不利于减肥)。故选C。

2.What does Paragraph 2 want to tell us?

A Participants were divided into groups by weight.

B Participants keep the same dining schedule.

C Some illness may lead to weight gain.

D The study was tightly controlled.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第二段的“but carefully planned”“strictly controlled”“a strict healthy sleep/wake schedule”可知,第二段想表达的是该研究在进行过程中被严格控制,这样可以确保结果更精确。故选D。

3.Why would eating earlier burn calories faster?

A The sense of hunger weakened when eating earlier.

B The later eating time led to a desire for meat.

C The altered genes affect the burning process.

D The fat strengthened its ability to be stored.


4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A Eat later, more hunger.

B The effects of meal time.

C Hunger and body fat storage.

D More hunger, less fat burned.
