女孩发起捐书活动 为患癌儿童带来一片新天地
女孩发起捐书活动 为患癌儿童带来一片新天地

Emily Bhatnagar has always loved reading. “Growing up, I was really shy, so I always turned to books,” she said. “They sort of became my best friends when I didn’t have one.”

In 2019, 16-year-old Bhatnagar’s dad was diagnosed with cancer. The news was difficult for the family. Books became an even bigger comfort, and she started thinking about families in similar situations. When her father recovered, she came up with a plan to help others. “The idea came from just great gratitude that the doctors were able to perform such a miracle,” she says. “But also a little of sadness that there were kids who were fighting the same battle.”

Bhatnagar started a book drive in her hometown. The goal was to collect books and give them to kids being treated for cancer in local hospitals. Her father was not surprised by this plan. “She was always interested in books, and she always wanted to do things for the neighborhood,” he says. Since the start of the book drive, which she calls For Love & Buttercup, Bhatnagar has collected more than 10,000 books.

Bhatnagar had no idea how much attention her work would get. She started by posting on social media, asking people in her area to donate.“I was expecting maybe two or three responses from neighbors,” she says. “But it ended up blowing up,” especially when news stations began reporting it. “The public response has been super great,” her father says.

The Children’s Inn at the National Institutes of Health is one of the places where Bhatnagar has donated books. Aisha Campbell is its director of resident services and family programs. “Donations like Bhatnagar’s share a piece of the world with kids and families that they may not have got to experience, due to the treatment that they’re involved in,” she says.

Bhatnagar continues to run the book drive, with a little help from her parents. She hopes to one day expand the project to reach more kids. The memory of the first time she visited children who’d received her books sticks with her. “It was the best day of my life,” she says. “I realized I wanted to do this type of work forever.”


1.The second paragraph is mainly about ____________.

A the reason why Emily Bhatnagar likes books

B the way Emily Bhatnagar treated her books

C the inspiration for Emily Bhatnagar’s book drive

D the tough situation Emily Bhatnagar pulled through

解析:选C。C 段落大意题。第二段主要介绍了艾米丽·巴特纳格尔的父亲患癌症时,她开始思考处在同样处境中的家庭,并且在她的父亲恢复健康后,她有了帮助别人的一个计划,即发起捐书活动。因此本段主要是关于她发起捐书活动的灵感来源。故选C。

2.The underlined part in Paragraph 4 probably means____________.

A no one donated any books

B her accounts were removed

C she received many donated books

D only a few neighbors responded

解析:选C。C 句意理解题。根据划线部分前面的“Bhatnagar had no idea how much attention her work would get”以及“I was expecting maybe two or three responses”可知,艾米丽·巴特纳格尔起初并不知她的这场活动能得到多少关注,并且她以为可能只会有两三个邻居有反应;结合划线部分后面的“especially when news stations began reporting it”可知有新闻电台开始报道她的捐书活动,由此可推断有很多人关注她的捐书活动,捐赠了许多书给她。故选C。

3.What does Aisha Campbell think of Bhatnagar’s donations?

A Unnecessary.

B Meaningful.

C Challenging.

D Useless.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据Aisha Campbell所说的话“share a piece of the world with kids and families”可知,她认为这些捐赠向这些孩子和他们的家人分享了一个他们可能没有经历过的世界(因为他们一直在医院忙于治疗癌症),由此推断她认为这是非常有意义的。故选B。

4.What’s the main idea of the text?

A A girl drew much comfort from books.

B A girl gets much support from her father.

C A girl started a book drive to help children.

D A girl needs neighbors to donate more books.

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。本文主要描述了艾米丽·巴特纳格尔发起捐书活动,捐赠给在医院接受治疗的患癌儿童。故选C。