中国加大保护力度 帮助亚洲象种群数量增加
中国加大保护力度 帮助亚洲象种群数量增加

Long Long, a baby Asian elephant, caught much attention on the Internet weeks ago with a video showing him sliding(滑动) down a slope. Months ago, another video showing him playing water with his keeper, also caught much attention. But his mood(心情) was nothing like this when he was saved by the Asian Elephant Breeding and Rescue Center in July last year. At that time, the elephant was in a serious physical condition. After months, Long Long gradually became well again and got increasingly lively.

The rescue center is in southwest China’s Xishuangbanna. It is home to the largest number of Asian elephants in the country. This is only one of the many success stories at the center. Since its creation in 2008, it has saved more than 20 elephants in need of help, who were mostly wounded and separated from their family. Today, more than 10 caretakers work in the center. Their daily activity includes bathing and feeding the elephants, and taking them to the wild for field survival(生存) training. Xiong Chaoyong is one of the caretakers. He says he will work to train more new caretakers. He hopes more people will join the undertaking of Asian elephant protection.

In China, Asian elephants are put under the top-level protection, and any action that harms them is regarded as illegal. Over the past ten years, the population of elephants in China has increased by about 100. Now more than 300 elephants live in the cities of Xishuangbanna, Pu’er and Lincang of Yunnan Province.


1.What does the comparison in Paragraph 1 mainly show?

A There are a lot of Web users in China.

B The Asian elephant is looked after well.

C The Asian elephant is seriously hurt.

D People like talking about elephants online.


2.What can we know about the rescue center?

A It is in Yunnan Province.

B It has more than 10 doctors.

C It was founded ten years ago.

D It helped over 100 elephants.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“The rescue center is in southwest China’s Xishuangbanna”可知,该救助中心位于西双版纳,即云南省。故选A。

3.Caretakers do all the following things EXCEPT__________.

A help Asian elephants take a shower

B give food to Asian elephants to eat

C separate Asian elephants from their family

D take Asian elephants to the wild

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段的“Their daily activity includes bathing and feeding the elephants, and taking them to the wild for field survival training.”可知,他们给亚洲象洗澡和喂食,带他们到野外进行生存训练,并不包括把它们与家人分开。故选C。

4.Which has the same meaning as the underlined word “illegal”?

A Not wasted.

B Not regretted.

C Not divided.

D Not allowed.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据划线部分前面的“Asian elephants are put under the top-level protection”可知,在中国,亚洲象受到最高级别的保护,因此任何伤害亚洲象的行为都是不被允许的。故选D。

5.In which part of a newspaper may this text appear?

A Medicine.

B Health.

C Nature.

D Space.
