男子成立社区步行小组 帮助男性缓解心理压力
男子成立社区步行小组 帮助男性缓解心理压力

For many struggling with mental(心理上的) health, it can be difficult to open up. That’s why one man started a walking group for men to walk and talk.

After struggling with stress for about ten years, one day in 2022 Scott Oughton-Johnson decided to go for a walk. It sounds so simple, but that decision led to the birth of The Proper Blokes Club, an activity for men’s mental health.

In the past years, stress was killing Oughton-Johnson. He felt terrible. He got some treatment(治疗), but he wanted to find something that would keep the feeling that the treatment provided. He knew that he enjoyed walking, and that exercise makes him relaxed, so going for a walk seemed like a good idea. Oughton-Johnson started a Facebook page and invited men who were under stress to join him.

For that first walk, only one man joined. But it became a regular(定期的) event, and every week more and more men turned up, walking, talking and sharing their experiences. In order to share the experience with people outside his neighbourhood, Oughton-Johnson recruited(招募) people to organize walks elsewhere, and the Proper Blokes Club came into being. Walks now take place every day from Monday to Thursday. As many as 35 men might show up, but as long as there are at least two, the walk happens.

The club is a space for men to open up and share their feelings. It has provided friendship and support for many.


1.When did Scott’s stress start?

A In 2010.

B In 2012.

C In 2014.

D In 2016.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“After struggling with stress for about ten years, one day in 2022 Scott Oughton-Johnson decided to go for a walk.”可知,他与压力抗争了十年,因此他的压力开始于(2022-10=)2012年。故选B。

2.What did Oughton-Johnson think of walking?

A Relaxing.

B Terrible.

C Stressful.

D Difficult.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段第四句的“He knew that he enjoyed walking, and that exercise makes him relaxed”可知,步行让他感到放松。故选A。

3.The walk would happen if__________.

A 7 men showed up on Sunday

B 35 men showed up on Friday

C 4 men showed up on Monday

D 2 men showed up at the weekend

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段后两句“Walks now take place every day from Monday to Thursday. As many as 35 men might show up, but as long as there are at least two, the walk happens.”可知,从周一到周四,每天都会进行步行活动。可能会有多达35个人出现,但只要至少有两个人,步行活动就正常进行。故选C。

4.What can they do when walking?

A Talk about their feelings.

B Discuss what to eat at night.

C Share delicious food with each other.

D Learn to draw some amazing pictures.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句的“The club is a space for men to open up and share their feelings.”可知,在这个俱乐部里,他们可以敞开心扉,分享自己的烦恼。故选A。

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A Men especially like walking.

B A man struggled with illness.

C An activity was started to keep fit.

D Some men walked for mental health.
