
Wendy Cocker is from Australia. She has a 4-year-old son. His name is Monty. She wants her son to know how to call the doctor. She teaches him about it.

One day, Wendy fell. She wanted to call her husband for help. But she couldn’t do it. She lost consciousness(意识). When she opened her eyes, two nurses were in her house. Monty called 000. He told the nurses where he lived. He even told them the family dog was friendly!

A few days later, the nurses went to the Cockers’ home. They said Monty did a good job. They gave Monty a gift.


1.When was Monty born?

A In 2014.

B In 2016.

C In 2018.

D In 2020.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段第二句的“She has a 4-year-old son.”可知,Monty于(2022-4=)2018年出生。故选C。

2.What happened to Wendy?

A Her bag was lost.

B She couldn’t see.

C She fell.

D She got lost.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“One day, Wendy fell.”可知,Wendy摔倒了。故选C。

3.Monty called 000 to ask__________for help.

A the police station

B the hospital

C the train station

D the fire station

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第二段第五句“When she opened her eyes, two nurses were in her house.”及前面提到的Wendy摔倒并失去意识可知,Monty拨打了000向医院求助(在澳大利亚匪警、火警、救护车、交通事故都打000)。故选B。

4.Why did the nurses give Monty a gift?

A Because Monty is cute.

B Because Monty is polite.

C Because Monty sent them a dog.

D Because Monty did a good job.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“They said Monty did a good job.”可知,Monty做了一件好事,他们想奖励他。故选D。

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A Friendly Family Dogs in Australia.

B 4-Year-Old Kid Loves Gifts.

C Kid Knows How to Call The Doctor.

D 4-Year-Old Kid Saves Mom’s Life.
