
In this day and age, we like to think that we can travel whenever and wherever we’d like. However, there are quite a few places in the world where that’s simply not possible. Some are closed to everybody and others open their doors to just a few. Here are some wonderful locations where visitors aren’t allowed.


Heart Reef has become one of Australia’s most famous places since it was first discovered by a pilot 47 years ago. As it’s a protected area, no one can come to this Australian tourist destination. Luckily, it’s allowed from above, so visitors can still take in this wonderful natural formation(形成物) by air.


The Lascaux Caves are one of the great treasures of pre-historic art. Filled with cave art painted 17,000 years ago, the caves were discovered in 1940. They were open to the public, but not for a long time. For about 15 years thousands of visitors a day entered the caves to enjoy the Paleolithic paintings, but by 1963 that had come to an end. The caves were closed to the public because the carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) made by all the visitors caused green mold(霉菌) to cover the artwork. Since then, art historians have worked hard to restore that in the caves.


Surtsey Island has provided scientists with the chance to see how an ecosystem is born. The only people allowed on the island are a small number of researchers who monitor its plants and animals in order to better understand how biodiversity(生物多样性) develops when nature is untouched by humans.


1.When did the pilot find Heart Reef?

A In 1965.

B In 1975.

C In 1985.

D In 1995.

解析:选B。B数字计算题。根据第二段第一句的“it was first discovered by a pilot 47 years ago”可知,心形礁于(2022-47=)1975年被飞行员发现。故选B。

2.In which way can people enjoy the beauty of Heart Reef?

A By boat.

B By train.

C By plane.

D By car.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的“so visitors can still take in this wonderful natural formation by air.”可知,目前这片海域已被政府保护起来,只能在高空观看。游客可以乘坐飞机俯瞰整座岛礁,欣赏这份浪漫而独特的美景。故选C。

3.Why weren’t the Lascaux Caves allowed to visit?

A Because green mold can’t be restored.

B Because visitors are harmful to the artwork.

C Because government fears someone may steal the artwork.

D Because the artwork is harmful to humans.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第二句的“The caves were closed to the public because the carbon dioxide made by all the visitors caused green mold to cover the artwork.”可知,拉斯科洞穴发现之初,曾吸引大量的游人前来参观,但由于人呼出的二氧化碳能够改变洞里的小气候环境,现在该洞已经不再向公众开放。故选B。

4.__________ are allowed to stay on the Surtsey Island.

A A few researchers

B Animal lovers

C Plant lovers

D Pilots

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句的“The only people allowed on the island are a small number of researchers”可知,只有少数研究人员可以踏足苏特西岛。故选A。

5.Where is the passage probably taken from?

A An instruction book.

B A school report.

C A storybook.

D A geography magazine.
