
Every week for the past six weeks, the menu has changed at a San Francisco restaurant and wine bar called Shuggie’s Trash Pie. That’s because the ingredients depend in part on what farmers plan to throw out on any given day. The kitchen also creatively reuses ingredients within the restaurant. They look for waste in other parts of the supply chain, too. The restaurant’s mission is to fight food waste.  

David Murphy and Kayla Abe founded the restaurant. They previously started the Ugly Pickle(泡菜) Company, which makes snacks out of less-attractive vegetables that farmers have trouble selling. While making pickles, they saw the opportunity to do more.

“We saw that there was so much waste that we weren’t able to capture, mainly because food waste is unpredictable. People would come to us every week with requests like, ‘Can you pickle this? Can you use this in some way?’ We wanted to be able to capture a lot more of that.” So they opened a restaurant.

Shuggie’s Trash Pie opened in April, 2022, and after a couple of months of dealing with the usual challenges of starting a restaurant, the founders say they’re now able to focus on adapting to their suppliers, pivoting whenever something new appears. “We’re going to the farmers market every Saturday, filling our car and roof rack with things,” Abe says.

Inside the restaurant, what you notice first isn’t the mission but the design. The restaurant turns food waste into a party. The menu notes some of the unusual ingredients, like “withered(枯萎的) greens” and “not fully ripe tomatoes”, though Abe says there’s so much to say that it doesn’t all get included. At the bottom, under a heading that says “food waste paradise”, they explain why it’s so important to do this. Between 30% and 40% of all the food grown in the country is wasted. That’s not just a landfill problem, but a climate problem, and removing that waste could play a meaningful role in fighting climate change.

The founders want to help change what diners are willing to eat. They also want to inspire other restaurants to change.


1.Why doesn’t Shuggie’s Trash Pie provide fixed menus?

A Because their cooking ingredients are not fixed.

B Because the prices of ingredients changed greatly.

C Because they don’t know what to cook.

D Because they cook according to their moods.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段的“That’s because the ingredients depend in part on what farmers plan to throw out on any given day.”可知,在一家名为Shuggie’s Trash Pie的餐厅里,菜单不怎么固定,因为厨师得看那几天农民们都有什么“卖不出去”的食材,才决定做什么菜,即他们的烹饪原料不固定。故选A。

2.Murphy and Abe opened the restaurant with the goal of ___________.

A making popular snacks

B reducing food waste

C helping farmers sell vegetables

D making food waste predictable

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段的“there was so much waste that we weren’t able to capture”以及“We wanted to be able to capture a lot more of that”可知,他们开这家餐厅的目的是想减少食物浪费。故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “pivoting” mean?

A Charging.

B Packing.

C Changing.

D Escaping.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据划线部分前面的“they’re now able to focus on adapting to their suppliers”可知,他们现在可以专注于适应他们的供应商,任何时候有新东西出现时,他们都能作出改变。故选C。

4.What can be inferred about Murphy and Abe?

A They earn much from running the restaurant.

B They don’t like other restaurants to copy them.

C They are concerned about the environment.

D They think diners now are eating in a wrong way.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句“but a climate problem, and removing that waste could play a meaningful role in fighting climate change”可知,用“食材废物”做菜可以帮助对抗气候变化,而Murphy 和Abe就正在做这样的事,由此推断他们很关心环境问题。故选C。