
Friends are important. They are the people in your life that you know and like. Friends do not have to be just the same as you. They can be older or younger. You and your friends can enjoy different things. Friends are fun. Learn how to be a good friend by reading the tips(小贴士) below.

Introduce yourself(自我介绍).

Say hello to someone new. See if he or she would like to play with you. Talk about yourself. Ask questions to get to know each other better.

Do things together.

What are your favorite things to do? Ask a friend to do them with you. You can play games, read, or go for walks.

Take turns.

It is fun to play with toys. Let someone else try when you are done. Take turns listening. Tell a friend about your day. Then let him/her tell you about his/hers.


Ask how a friend is feeling. If he is sad, make him happy. You can teach friends something they do not know. Ask them for help when you need it.


1.The writer thinks friends _______.

A should be fun

B can be different

C should be the same

D like the same things

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段的“Friends do not have to be just the same as you. They can be older or younger. You and your friends can enjoy different things.”可知,朋友不一定非得相似,可以年龄不同、爱好不同。故选B。

2.You can ________ with a friend.①get angry ②read books ③have a fight ④talk about things

A ①②

B ②③

C ③④

D ②④

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段的“Talk about yourself. Ask questions to get to know each other better.”和第三段的“You can play games, read, or go for walks.”可知,你可以和朋友一起交流、打游戏、看书和散步。文中并未提及生气和打架。故选D。

3.When playing with toys, friends should _______.

A know each other

B play by turns

C play alone

D be happy

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“Take turns.”以及“Let someone else try when you are done.”可知,当朋友们一起玩玩具时,应该轮流玩。故选B。

4.Which can be put in ▲ ?

A Find someone you like.

B Teach each other.

C Help each other.

D Ask questions.


5.Who is the passage written for?

A Teachers.

B Brothers.

C Friends.

D Parents.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第一段的“Learn how to be a good friend by reading the tips below.”以及文章的高频词friend可知,本文是写给朋友的。故选C。