
A young runner at a cross-country race(越野赛) in New York, stopped to encourage his sad opponent(对手).

The young runner is Cooper Kohanski. When he turned around, he heard a kid crying. He wanted to make sure he was okay. The kid’s name is Andrew Hawkinson. Andrew didn’t join cross-country race before. He cried when he was running. Cooper stopped and encouraged him. He said Andrew did a good job. He also told him everything would be okay.  

Andrew’s mom was in surprise to see her son getting help from a runner from another team.


1.Where was the cross-country race?

A In America.

B In Thailand.

C In Australia.

D In Canada.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段第一句的“A young runner at a cross-country race in New York”可知,这场越野赛是在纽约(美国)举行的。故选A。

2.What did Cooper find when he turned around?

A A boy was hurt.

B A boy was dancing.

C A boy was crying.

D A boy was singing.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“When he turned around, he heard a kid crying.”可知,他转过身的时候,听见一个小男孩在哭泣。故选C。

3.It was Andrew’s__________ time to join cross-country race.

A fourth

B third

C second

D first

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段第五句“Andrew didn’t join cross-country race before.”可知,Andrew之前没参加过这类比赛,因此这是他第一次参加此类比赛。故选D。

4.Andrew’s mom was___________when his son got help from his opponent.

A happy

B worried

C angry

D surprised

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据最后一段“Andrew’s mom was in surprise to see her son getting help from a runner from another team.”可知,Andrew的妈妈说,她很惊讶看到自己的儿子被另一个队的选手安慰。故选D。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In a notebook.

B In a newspaper.

C In an English book.

D In a map.
