54年后戒指失而复得 男子狂喜
54年后戒指失而复得 男子狂喜

It was on a spring morning in 1968, in the village of Seagrave, Leicestershire, England. 21-year-old Dave Radley was picking strawberries to earn money behind a friend’s father’s home when his favorite new gift was lost. It was a gold ring that he’d received just weeks earlier. 

When the ring slipped from his finger that morning, Dave was very very shocked and upset. The gold ring had been a birthday gift from his mother, and he knew she had spent months paying for it. “My family wasn’t too rich in those days and I spent hours searching for it on the rows we had been,” Dave said. “My mother wasn’t angry with me. She was just more unhappy because of how upset I was.”

Dave is now a 75-year-old retired engineer who still lives in Leicestershire. He recently got a call from his old friend’s younger brother, Peter. He inherited(继承) the land their father once owned. Peter told Dave that a young man with a metal detector(探测器) had come to his strawberry fields. He used his machine there. He found the gold ring after knowing the story of Dave’s missing ring. The ring was unharmed except for a tiny scratch(刮痕).

“When I got the call from Peter, I couldn’t quite believe it—the joy I felt in that moment is indescribable,” said Dave. “The crazy thing is Peter still owns the land, otherwise, none of this would have ever happened.” The ring still fits! Dave couldn’t be happier to have it back on his finger where it belongs.


1.When was Dave Radley born?

A In 1940.

B In 1947.

C In 1950.

D In 1968.

解析:选B。B 数字计算题。根据第一段第一句的“in 1968”以及“21-year-old Dave Radley”可知,1968年时Dave Radley 21岁,即他出生于1947年。故选B。

2.The underlined word “it” refers to __________.

A the ring

B the finger

C the family

D the strawberry

解析:选A。A 词意指代题。根据划线词所在句的前文可知,在草莓地里丢失的是戒指,因此Dave Radley寻找的是戒指。故选A。

3.Who found the ring?

A Dave’s old friend.

B Peter.

C A young man.

D Dave.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段的“a young man with a metal detector had come to his strawberry fields. He used his machine there. He found the gold ring”可知,是一位带着金属探测器的年轻人在草莓地里找到了戒指。故选C。

4.How did Dave feel about getting back his ring?

A Overjoyed.

B Crazy.

C Indescribable.

D Upset.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“the joy I felt in that moment is indescribable”以及“couldn’t be happier to have it back”可知,对于找回戒指这件事,他感受到的喜悦无法描述,即他非常开心(狂喜)。故选A。

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A A Young Yan Lost His Favorite Gold Ring.

B A Friend Helped a Man Found His Lost Ring.

C What Is Lost Must Come Back Some Day.

D Ring Lost 54 Years Ago Finds Its Way Back Home.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。本文主要描述75岁老人54年前丢失一枚珍贵的戒指,现在又意外失而复得的故事。故选D。