飓风“伊恩”致老人失联 女儿求助社交媒体
飓风“伊恩”致老人失联 女儿求助社交媒体

A woman has been reunited with her 78-year-old mother after using social media to find her after Hurricane(飓风) Ian.

Beth Booker turned to the Internet last week after seeing photos of her mother’s home submerged in water. “I have never felt more helpless in my life,” she wrote on the Internet. “I called my mom and she didn’t answer. I was so frightened and can’t stop shaking.”

Beth and her husband helped her mom, Carole McDanel, prepare her home for the hurricane before. They had no idea that it would be as bad as it turned out. That house had survived(幸存) several big hurricanes in history, so Carole felt safe there and didn’t leave. In Beth’s last phone call with her mom, Beth said she told her mom to climb on the roof(屋顶) if the waters continued to rise.

Unable to communicate with her mom any longer, Beth turned to the Internet asking her followers for help with searching for her mom. On Sept. 29, Beth shared the news that her mother had been found safe in her home.

“You see this kind of thing happen on the news. You see this on social media. You see it happen in other cities and you know it can happen here when you live in this place. We all know that,” she said in a video online. “But when it’s actually happening to you, it is honestly unbelievable.”


1.What does the underlined word “frightened” mean?

A Excited.

B Scared.

C Creative.

D Peaceful.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“can’t stop shaking”再结合语境可知,Beth在网络上看到了她母亲的家被水淹没的照片,于是她打电话给妈妈,但没有人接。她身体不停地颤抖,因此可推断她当时很害怕(Scared)。故选B。

2.Why did Carole feel safe in her house?

A Because the house was strong enough.

B Because there was a lot of food in her house.

C Because she knew nothing about the hurricane.

D Because the house was built to prevent hurricanes.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段第三句的“That house had survived several big hurricanes in history, so Carole felt safe there and didn’t leave.”可知,这所房子经历了历史上多次重大飓风都没有坏,因此Carole觉得房子足够坚固,她在那里感到安全。故选A。

3.What did Beth do when she can’t reach her mom?

A She climbed on the roof and cried.

B She refused to eat or drink.

C She searched for help online.

D She called the police.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Unable to communicate with her mom any longer, Beth turned to the Internet asking her followers for help with searching for her mom.”可知,Beth无法与母亲取得联系时,她在网上寻求帮助。故选C。

4.What did Beth mean in the last paragraph?

A It is a terrible experience to her.

B Hurricanes happen all the time.

C She follows all kinds of news.

D She always gets help from social media.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据最后一句的“But when it’s actually happening to you, it is honestly unbelievable”可知,Beth曾以为这样的事情只出现在新闻报道,社交媒体和其他城市中。所以当它真的发生在自己身上时,她感到难以置信,由此可见这次经历对她来说非常糟糕。故选A。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In a notice.

B In a history book.

C In a map.

D In a newspaper.
