
Did you know that humans haven’t walked on the lunar surface since 1972? People are planning to send astronauts to the moon again—and finally to Mars. They’ll study how long-term space travel affects humans. The possibilities are exciting. But it’s dangerous. We have plenty of technology for safely exploring(探索) space. Do we really need to send people?

We still need to send humans into space. If we don’t solve the problem of climate change, the planet could become not fit to live in. We need to find out if living on Mars is possible. The robotic missions send back a lot of information. But it won’t be enough to help us understand how we’d face on another planet.

—Elisha Lee, 11, Wilmette

As a future engineer, I believe in space technology. Robots can stay in space longer and robots’ lives are not at risk. They could stay on the moon or Mars for many years, doing research, with no danger to human life.  

—Lino Marrero, 15, Frisco

Humans should continue going to space. Robots can collect information, but they can’t respond(反应灵敏) like humans in all situations. We couldn’t depend on them to develop an area that would be     ▲     for humans.

—Kellen Bhatt, 11, Alpharetta

We should not send humans into space, at least not now. Sending humans into space needs a lot of money. That same money could be used for solving problems on Earth. I’m not saying that space exploration should never happen. But for now, we should focus on dealing with the problems we have on Earth.

—Samirah Horton, 13, Brooklyn


1.What does Elisha Lee agree?

A Robots will solve the problem of climate change.

B It is possible for humans to live on Mars.

C The problem of climate change is not serious.

D Sending humans into space is still necessary.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“We still need to send humans into space.”可知,Elisha Lee认为我们仍然需要将人类送上太空。故选D。

2.What does Lino Marrero want to be when he grows up?

A A manager.

B An engineer.

C A scientist.

D An astronaut.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的“As a future engineer”可知,Lino Marrero未来想成为一名工程师。故选B。

3.Which word can be put in ▲ ?

A Comfortable.

B Suitable.

C Valuable.

D Dangerous.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据前文的“Robots can collect information, but they can’t respond like humans in all situations.”可知,机器人可以收集信息,但它们不能像人类一样在各种情况下做出反应,因此我们不能依赖他们来发展一个适合(suitable)人类居住的太空区域。故选B。

4._________ are against sending people to explore space.

A Elisha Lee and Kellen Bhatt.

B Elisha Lee and Lino Marrero.

C Kellen Bhatt and Samirah Horton.

D Lino Marrero and Samirah Horton.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段第一句的“I believe in space technology”和最后一段“We should not send humans into space, at least not now.”可知,Lino Marrero和Samirah Horton反对将人类送上太空进行宇宙探索。故选D。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In an instruction book.

B In a newspaper interview.

C In a gardening magazine.

D In a weather report.
