5岁小孩癌症晚期 社区提前为他过万圣节
5岁小孩癌症晚期 社区提前为他过万圣节

A community(社区) came together to celebrate Halloween early for a 5-year-old boy fighting cancer.

Alex got cancer when he was 11 months old. He has been fighting the fight for the last 4 and a half years. He lives in Hamilton, Ontario with his parents Nick and Kira, his brother Mike and his sister Jane.

Two weeks ago, the family got devastating news. Doctors said Alex only has a few weeks to live. Nick and Kira wanted to make his remaining(剩余的) time as meaningful as possible so they asked him if there was anything that he wished to do. He said he wanted to see monsters(怪兽) in Niagara Falls, but at this point, it was not good for him to travel that far. That’s when Paula Tzouanakis Anderson, a close friend of the family, came up with a plan to bring Halloween and monsters to them.

Paula posted in a Facebook group, asking the community to show up in costume. The post soon became popular. On the day of the event—Sept. 14—Paula expected 300 people to come, at most. But as the evening progressed, probably close to 1,000 people showed up.

Nick said during the most terrible point in his life, he and his family are feeling gratitude(感激之情) for all of the love. “We’re very happy to live in a community like this,” he said.


1.How many people are there in Alex’s family?

A 3.

B 4.

C 5.

D 6.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的“He lives in Hamilton, Ontario with his parents Nick and Kira, his brother Mike and his sister Jane.”可知,Alex和父母住一起,另外还有两个兄弟姐妹Mike和Jane,即他们家一共有五个人。故选C。

2.Which word can replace the underlined word “devastating”?

A Difficult.

B Impossible.

C Terrible.

D Understanding.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“Doctors said Alex only has a few weeks to live.”可知,医生告诉Alex的父母,Alex的生命可能只剩几周。这对他们来说是一个很糟糕(terrible)消息。故选C。

3.How did people know Alex’s story?

A Alex’s mom rang them.

B Alex phoned them one by one.

C They knew it from a newspaper.

D They got the news from the Internet.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第四段第一句的“Paula posted in a Facebook group, asking the community to show up in costume.”可知,Paula在当地的一个Facebook群里发帖,希望邻居们可以穿上万圣节服装出现。即人们是通过网络了解到这件事情的。故选D。

4.According to Nick, living in his community is ___________.

A happy and lucky

B lucky and cheap

C expensive but happy

D relaxing and easy

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据最后一段的“he and his family are feeling gratitude for all of the love.”和“We’re very happy to live in a community like this”可知,他非常感谢社区邻居帮他儿子圆梦,他们生活在这个社区很幸福。由此可知对他们来说,住在这里是幸福且幸运的。故选A。

5.What can be learned from the passage?

A Our world is full of kindness.

B No one can call back yesterday.

C Nothing brave, nothing have.

D Soon learn, soon forgotten.
