
China’s latest film, Home Coming, is heading out into the world.

The film topped China’s National Day holiday box office last weekend with a $60 million debut(首映). It has since climbed to $117 million, with local ticketing service Maoyan projecting a finishing total of around $240 million on October 1st.

The film will hit theaters in North America on Oct. 21, followed by the U.K., Australia and New Zealand on Oct. 27, and Singapore, Pakistan, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg on Oct. 28.

Home Coming is directed by newcomer Rao Xiaozhi but produced by Frank Guo, the filmmaker behind China’s record-making one The Wandering Earth ($700 million in 2019). The film has gained strong social scores in China, earning a 9.6 rating from Maoyan and 7.6 from reviews website Douban.

Home Coming tells the story of two Chinese diplomats(外交官) (played by Zhang Yi and Wang Junkai) who are sent to a war-torn African country to help with the evacuation(撤离) of Chinese citizens. After completing their task, they learn that over 100 additional Chinese citizens have been mistakenly left behind. The two unarmed diplomats then decide to brave the war zone to lead their 125 countrymen through gunfire and desert back home.

The film was written by Qin Haiyan, Shi Ce, Lei Zhilong and Bu Jingwei. Co-starring and supporting cast include Yin Tao, Zhang Zixian, Cheng Taishen, Li Xuejian and Wang Xun. The lead producer of the film is Huace Pictures. Co-presenting are Yi Yi Yi Yi Culture Media, Zhe Jiang HengDian Film, G!FILM Studio and Beijing Free Whale Pictures. 


1.Home Coming has increased _________ at the box office according to paragraph 2.

A $60 million

B $117 million

C $57 million

D $240 million

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第二段“with a $60 million debut”和“It has since climbed to $117 million”可知电影《万里归途》的票房从首映的6千万增加到1.17亿,即增加了5700万。故选C。

2.People can enjoy Home Coming before Oct. 28 in all of the following countries EXCEPT __________.

A Australia

B the Netherlands

C New Zealand

D the United States


3.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A The story behind the film.

B The director of the film.

C The making of the film.

D The success of the film.


4.What does the writer think of the two diplomats?

A They are very strict with themselves.

B They don’t understand each other well.

C They show us great wisdom and courage.

D They are too proud to help Chinese citizens.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“a war-torn African country”“The two unarmed diplomats”“brave the war zone”“lead their 125 countrymen through gunfires and desert”可知,这两名手无寸铁的外交官在一个饱受战争蹂躏的国家,带领多名同胞平安地穿过战区和沙漠返回祖国。由此可推知,他们勇敢又有智慧。故选C。

5.The passage probably comes from __________.

A a magazine

B a poster

C a dictionary

D a notice
