10年的坚持:退休教授去贵州避暑 变身“坝坝英语”教师
10年的坚持:退休教授去贵州避暑 变身“坝坝英语”教师

Liu Xiaosheng is 73 years old. During the past summer vacation, he had been teaching children English every day except Sunday for over a month.

Before he retired, Liu was a foreign language teacher at a university in Chongqing. In 2012, he brought his family to a cool place in Guizhou to spend the summer. One evening, he saw a neighbor’s child learning English. He asked the child to read him a passage. He found the child had a bad pronunciation. As a teacher, he knew how important pronunciation was to learning the language, so he began to teach the child.

In this way, Liu had his first student. Soon, more and more people in the village knew the news that a retired university teacher taught students English for free, and more and more children came to learn. At first, Liu taught in his living room, and then moved into the corridor(走廊) for more space. But soon, the corridor was packed with students. One villager volunteered to leave his rice milling(碾米) room so that Liu can use it as a classroom. The villagers raised money to buy desks, chairs, and a blackboard. Later, as the number of students grew, Liu set up a classroom in the courtyard(院子) of a villager’s house. He is now known as the “courtyard teacher”.

Every summer, about 40 children come for English learning. This summer, more than 60 turned up. Many of his students are now university students. He said that teaching had become a part of his life.


1.How many days did Liu Xiaosheng teach children English a week?

A Seven days.

B Six days.

C Five days.

D Four days.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段的“every day except Sunday for over a month”可知,刘晓生每周上六天课。故选B。

2.Liu found his first student did badly in ________.

A English grammar

B English listening

C spoken English

D English writing

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句“He found the child had a bad pronunciation.”可知,刘晓生发现邻居家的孩子的英语发音不好,即孩子在口语方面不擅长。故选C。

3.Which has the same meaning as the underlined phrase “was packed with”?

A Was hungry for.

B Was bad at.

C Was glad about.

D Was full of.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据划线句子后面的“One villager volunteered to leave his rice milling room so that Liu can use it as a classroom.”可知,走廊里“全是”学生,坐不下了,因此邻居主动把碾米的房间腾出来当作教室。故选D。

4.What is the right order in the development of Liu’s classroom?

A His living room→the corridor→the rice milling room→the courtyard.

B His living room→the rice milling room→the courtyard→the corridor.

C His living room→the corridor→the courtyard→the rice milling room.

D The corridor→his living room→the rice milling room→the courtyard.


5.What kind of person is Liu Xiaosheng?

A Outgoing.

B Creative.

C Strict.

D Kind.
