

A bull elephant took out his seasonal disappointment on a car in a Thai wildlife sanctuary by stamping over the vehicle and ripping off the cover over the engine with its tusks, before trying to sit down on it.

The young couple inside the badly damaged car luckily escaped injury after the beast went on the rampage down a road running through the Khao Yai National Park near Bangkok. Having established its authority, the young male then headed back into the forest.

Authorities for the sanctuary, which is home to at least 300 wild elephants, have urged visitors to take extra care as it is mating season and the bulls can become aggressive.

Sanctuary chief Kanchit Srinoppawan said: “The drivers stopped when they saw the elephant and the elephant could not cross the road so he felt stressed and stamped the car.” Mr Kanchit warned visitors: “When you see an elephant do not honk, do not flash your car lights, do not take photos and keep your engine running.”

But he pointed out the park belonged to the wildlife. “We must balance between people, wild animals and tourism,” he added.


1.Why did the bull elephant stamp over the vehicle?

A Because of his seasonal disappointment.

B Because the driver took pictures before it.

C Because the driver flash his car lights.

D Because the driver honked.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一句A bull elephant took out his seasonal disappointment on a car…可知,故选A。

2.“A bull elephant” has the same meaning as_______.

A a female elephant

B a male elephant

C a baby elephant

D an orphan elephant

解析:选B。B 语义推测题。bull“公的,雄性的”与male“雄的”同义,故选B。

3.What elephant can be aggressive according to Authorities for the sanctuary?

A Father elephants.

B Mother elephants.

C Bull elephants.

D Young elephants.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第3段…and the bulls can become aggressive.可知,故选C。

4.What should not be done when you meet elephants in a Thai wildlife sanctuary?

A Do not honk.

B Do not flash car lights.

C Do not take photos.

D Do not keep engine running.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第4段最后一句"When you see an elephant do not honk, do not flash your car lights, do not take photos and keep your engine running."可知,故选D。

5.The host of the sanctuary is________according to the passage.

A authorities for the sanctuary

B people

C wildlife

D elephant

解析:选C。C 判断推理题。根据最后一段But he pointed out the park belonged to the wildlife.他指出公园属于野生动物,可知公园的主人是野生动物,故选C。