
Kenya is home to nearly 400 species of mammals(哺乳动物). Officials say it is getting more difficult to protect them, as climate change and human activities damage their natural environments.

Kenya’s wildlife officials have made a free mobile phone app to help track wild animals in the country. They plan to use information from the app to help protect the animals. The Mammal Atlas Kenya, or Makenya, lets any user who sees a wild mammal identify it and give its location. Users can also give other details.

Dr. Simon Musila, a researcher at the National Museums of Kenya, said there is a need to have many people use the app to get more information about the animals. This can help the small number of mammal specialists in Kenya. The specialists have kept records of the animals’ changing environments and survival conditions. Many people, including safari guides, visitors, students, or anyone who goes out and sees the animals, could use the app, Musila added. They can upload(上传) images and add details, such as the number of mammals and their exact locations.

Experts say that while Africa is not the cause of much climate change, it is badly affected by it. Dr. Philip Muruthi, vice president of the African Wildlife Foundation, said that the birth rate of rare mammals and the survival rate of young ones are dropping.

“It is very hard to benefit or manage what you don’t know,” he said. “That is why this is so important. It is going to tell us which species we have, where they are, and maybe which ones are highly endangered, what we need to do about them. And especially not just the big things but also the small things.”

Wildlife officials say Kenya is home to at least a third of the mammal species in Africa and are hopeful that app users will help protect them.


1.What led to the decreasing number of rare mammals in Kenya? ①Unusual climate change. ②Frequent natural disasters. ③Improper human activities. ④Declined environmental awareness.

A ①②.

B ①③.

C ②③.

D ③④.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段“climate change and human activities”和第四段可知,造成稀有哺乳动物数量减少的原因是气候变化和人类活动。故选B。

2.What can we know from Paragraph three?

A There are a number of mammal specialists in Kenya.

B Only safari guides and mammal specialists could use the app.

C App users can share images and details about mammals.

D It’s meaningless for people to get the access to the app.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“They can upload images and add details, such as the number of mammals and their exact locations.”可知,这款应用程序的用户可以上传哺乳动物的照片及其细节介绍。故选C。

3.What is wildlife officials’ attitude to Makenya?

A Doubtful.

B Positive.

C Indifferent.

D Critical.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句的“are hopeful that app users will help protect them”可知,野生动物官员对这款应用程序能够保护哺乳动物抱有希望。故选B。

4.What type of writing is this text?

A A travel brochure.

B An announcement.

C A technology report.

D An environment project.
