
Since we were very young, we’ve been told that true beauty comes from within, but sometimes we don’t know what inner beauty is, after all, we can’t see it. Here are 3 things that can help you see and understand inner beauty.

Inner beauty is in your words. 

True beauty comes from within and often comes out through our words. I’ve known several people who were pretty on the outside but when they carelessly repeated nasty, unkind words, they suddenly looked like pigs wearing gold rings! Just think about whether you have seen evidence of this with the people around you. Which ones seem beautiful or ugly because of their words?

Inner beauty is in the little everyday choices you make. 

When we are faced with small, daily choices such as whether to tell a white lie to avoid trouble, whether to avoid the new girl/boy because no one else seems to like her, or whether to sneak a peek(偷看) at a classmate’s test, our inner beauty(or lack thereof) comes out. Good choices are fueled by good character — and that’s real inner beauty. While no one is perfect, inner beauty will show itself in the repeated choices a person makes.


When someone makes a mistake and it affects you, how do you respond? True beauty comes from within when someone is polite, understanding, and forgiving. Someone without inner beauty will be angry, accusing, and inflexible. And when you are the one who make a mistake, how do you respond? Do you blame the people around you, or do you accept it and move on, giving yourself grace and room to grow? A person with inner beauty doesn’t see mistakes as threats; she/he sees them as a regular part of life and a chance to learn.

Why are these things so important? Because your words, choices, and responses, combine to send a clear message to the people around you about who you really are and what matters to you. In the long run, that will determine which friends you have (and keep), the doors that open (or close) for you, and the path you will take in the future.


1.The underlined part “pigs wearing gold rings” in Paragraph 2 probably means_________.

A pretty

B careful

C ugly

D responsible

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据划线部分前面的“I’ve known several people who were pretty on the outside but when they carelessly repeated nasty, unkind words”可知,作者说她见过外表长得很好看的几个人,但当他们漫不经心地说一些下流、不友善的话时,作者突然觉得他们变得很丑陋。结合第二段最后一句“Which ones seem beautiful or ugly because of their words?”也可推断“pigs wearing gold rings”与ugly同义。故选C。

2.Real inner beauty can be showed by __________.

A telling lies to avoid trouble

B avoiding a new girl/boy

C repeating every choice

D being honest in a test

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。 根据第三段小标题“Inner beauty is in the little everyday choices you make.”可知作者认为内在美存在于你每天所做的小选择中,接下来作者列举了几种日常生活中需要做选择的情况,而好的选择能体现出内在美。四个选项中只有D项是符合文意的好的选择。故选D。

3.What can be put back into the blank?

A Inner beauty is on the outside, too.

B Inner beauty is in how you respond to mistakes.

C A person with inner beauty never makes mistakes.

D Mistakes and threats won’t come together.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第四段题空后的第一句“When someone makes a mistake and it affects you, how do you respond?”和第四句“And when you are the one who make a mistake, how do you respond?”可知,该段主要描述了内在美表现在如何应对错误。故选B。

4.What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?

A To summarize the previous paragraphs.

B To provide some advice for the readers.

C To add some background information.

D To introduce a new topic for discussion.

解析:选A。A主旨大意题。根据最后一段的第一、二句“Why are these things so important? Because your words, choices, and responses, combine to send a clear message to the people around you about who you really are and what matters to you.”可知,上文中提到的三件事情都很重要。因为你的言行(第二段)、选择(第三段)、和回应(第四段)结合在一起,可以向你周围的人发出一个明确的信息,告诉他们你是谁,什么对你来说很重要。因此作者在该段中主要总结了上文提到的关键信息。故选A。