
Two adult sisters thought they were the only children their whole lives until an online genealogy(家谱) service brought them together.

Diane Ward, 59, and Mary McLaughlin, 56, were born in the same place to the same mother. Ward knew she was adopted but did not know anything about her birth mother. McLaughlin was adopted by her childhood babysitter after her mother simply “didn’t return one day”.

Ward said that in 2018, she decided she wanted to find her birth mother. For Christmas that year, she got a DNA kit from MyHeritage, a company that helps people research their family history through DNA tests and historical records. That research came back with a link to a possible cousin—and then that cousin directed Ward to a possible half-sister, Mary McLaughlin. Soon after that, they met on a video chat for the first time. They talked for hours about their favorite foods and hobbies.

The sisters continued to video chat and message daily during the pandemic. This month they finally met in person. When they met on the beach, they just sat and chatted, and chatted, and chatted. McLaughlin also admitted that when she first met Ward, she was angry that she did not get to grow up with her sister or have someone to talk to through all the difficulties of life. But over time, she has come to realize that it was perfect timing when she met Ward.

Ward and McLaughlin both said they had wonderful childhoods with their adoptive families —but still wished they had known their birth mother, who passed away from cancer many years ago. “The more I find out about my birth mother and the struggles that she had, I think, well, I was very lucky in a lot of ways, but I do wish I knew her. And I do wish I had met her,” Ward said.


1.Where did the adult sisters talk to each other for the first time?

A In the hospital.

B On the beach.

C Through an email.

D Through a video call.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第二句“Soon after that, they met on a video chat for the first time.”可知,这对姐妹首次聊天是在视频电话中。故选D。

2.How did McLaughlin feel when first meeting Ward?

A Moved.

B Mad.

C Surprised.

D Excited.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第四段第四句“McLaughlin also admitted that when she first met Ward, said she was angry that she did not get to grow up with her sister or have someone to talk to through all the difficulties of life.”可知,当沃德和麦克劳林第一次线下见面时,麦克劳林感到生气。因为她没有和沃德一起长大,也没能在遇到困难时与她交流。故选B。

3.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A Ward didn’t have a happy childhood with her adoptive family.

B McLaughlin didn’t want to know anything about her birth mother.

C McLaughlin and Ward’s birth mother died from cancer many years ago.

D Ward thought herself unlucky because she didn’t meet her birth mother.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句的“their birth mother, who passed away from cancer many years ago”可知,她们的生母很多年前因为癌症去世了。故选C。

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A Sisters Meet For The First Time In Their Fifties.

B Sisters Did Not Know Anything About Their Birth Mother.

C Sisters Were Adopted By Their Childhood Babysitters.

D DNA Tests And Historical Records Helped A Lot Of Families.
