
Recently, a game called “YangLeGeYang” has gone viral(走红) on social media. Many people, including students, spend hours and hours playing it, which makes many parents worried. With the increase in the use of the Internet, more and more students prefer to play online games over playing physical games. There is constant debate on the advantages and disadvantages of online games.

Many parents think online games make their kid’s brains dull and inactive. But in reality, it is the opposite. While playing a video game, people need to remember lots of things like rules, game strategies, and so on. When kids play the game regularly, it helps them remember many things, which eventually helps to improve their short-term as well as long-term memory. Also, while playing games, they need to make decisions quickly, which helps to improve brain performance speed. This can benefit students by responding quickly to their teachers’ questions. If you want to win any games, you need to be focused on the game. Video games help to improve a kid’s attention and concentration.

Besides lots of advantages, there are lots of online gaming risks that you must look at. Video games are addictive if you keep playing them without any break. Once you get addicted to online gaming, you start to forget your responsibility. You prefer games over your studies. Change in academic performance is seen at first when you start to get addicted to online gaming. Few games require you to get physically involved(参与的). Most games can be played without getting out of your gaming chair. Spending hours on a gaming chair can be bad for your body and eyes. You can chat with any strangers on online gaming. You never know who is on the other end; you might end up being cheated.

There are both advantages and disadvantages of online games. It depends how you play it.


1.Which word has the same meaning as the underlined word “dull” in Paragraph 2?

A Stupid.

B Reliable.

C Appropriate.

D Nutritious.


2.The writer mentions online gaming risks on the following aspects EXCEPT___________.

A Study.

B Confidence.

C Health.

D Safety.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段的“Change in academic performance”和“you might end up being cheated”可知,沉迷游戏会影响孩子的学习,玩游戏对孩子的身体健康也不好,并且孩子可能会被骗。并未提及对孩子自信心的影响。故选B。

3.What is the writer’s attitude towards online games?

A Supportive.

B Negative.

C Neutral.

D Critical.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一句的“It depends how you play it.”可知,作者认为玩网络游戏有好处也有坏处,这取决于玩游戏的人,因此他对网络游戏持中立态度。故选C。

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A Middle School Students’ Favorite Online Game.

B Children’s Attitudes Towards Online Games.

C Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Games.

D Two Ways Of Playing Online Games Well.
