
The world is full of tea drinkers. Tea is known to be good for our health. Previous studies in China and Japan, where green tea is popular, have suggested several health benefits. Now, scientists say black tea may show similar benefits.

Black tea is the most common kind of tea in Britain. Scientists from the United States National Cancer Institute carried out the study. They examined years of data gathered about the tea drinking behavior(行为) of almost 500,000 adults in Britain for as many as 14 years. The researchers adjusted for risks that individuals may have related to health, living conditions, diet and lifestyle choices, as well as age, race and gender. The study found that high tea intake — two or more cups a day — was related to a benefit: a 9 to 13 percent lower risk of death from any cause than non-tea drinkers.

The research was published in Annals of Internal Medicine. The scientists say the lowered risk of death held true for study subjects with heart disease. However, researchers said there was no clear finding in connection with deaths from cancer. Researchers were not sure why. But, it is possible there were too few confirmed cancer deaths to measure, said Maki Inoue-Choi, who led the study.

The study of British tea drinkers was based on observing people’s behaviors and health. __________ “Observational studies like this always raise the question: Is there something else about tea drinkers that makes them healthier?” said Marion Nestle, a professor of food studies at New York University. The study does not offer enough evidence to advise people to change their tea behaviors, said Inoue-Choi. “If you drink one cup a day already, I think that is good,” she said. “And please enjoy your cup of tea.”


1.What can we know from Paragraph 2?

A In Britain, green tea is the most popular kind of tea.

B Scientists examined the tea drinking behavior of 14 adults.

C The researchers didn’t take risks related to health seriously.

D High tea intake reduces the British’s risk of death.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“The study found that high tea intake — two or more cups a day — was related to a benefit: a 9 to 13 percent lower risk of death from any cause than non-tea drinkers.”可知,研究表明,更多的茶摄入量——每天两杯或两杯以上——能带来以下好处:与不喝茶的人相比,饮茶者因任何原因死亡的风险降低了9%到13%。故选D。

2.What probably caused no clear finding in connection with deaths from cancer?

A Lack of funds.

B Lack of data.

C The reduction of tea production.

D The development of medicine.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段可知,这项研究发现,心脏病死亡与此有关,但在癌症死亡方面没有明显的联系。领导这项研究的Maki Inoue-Choi说,研究人员也不确定原因,可能是没有足够的癌症确诊死亡人数来显示任何影响。故选B。

3.What can be put back into the blank?

A Tea helps those who drink it live longer than those who do not.

B Tea is reported to improve mental ability and help lose weight.

C This kind of method cannot prove cause and effect.

D Observational studies always offer scientists enough evidence.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据空格后面的“Is there something else about tea drinkers that makes them healthier?”可知,像这样的观察性研究总是会引发这样一个问题:是否还有其它因素使饮茶者更健康?因此像这样基于观察人们的习惯和健康的研究,不能证明因果关系。故选C。

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A Tea drinkers enjoy possible health benefits.

B Tea drinkers simply enjoy the taste of tea.

C Drinking one cup of tea a day is the best.

D People are advised to change tea drinking behavior.

解析:选A。A 主旨大意题。本文描述了喝茶的益处——或许能降低死亡风险。故选A。