老奶奶痛失丈夫和家 善良的邻居“收养”了她
老奶奶痛失丈夫和家 善良的邻居“收养”了她

Having a family means more than just sharing DNA; it also means having a safety net when bad things happen.

Gean LeVar didn’t have that safety net on the worst day of her life back in January 2021. That day, Gean’s husband of 58 years passed away in their home. When police arrived at the scene, they discovered Gean and her husband had been living in conditions so bad, so they immediately decided the house was not safe and must be repaired.

With no children or relatives to help her, Gean suddenly found herself homeless while also struggling with the loss of her husband. That’s when a neighbor she barely knew came over and told her, “Don’t worry, Gean, we’re going to help you.”

Carmen Silva and her husband live in a small, three-bedroom home across the street from Gean’s house. The Silvas are a big family with 8 kids, but they didn’t hesitate to make some room for their new “adopted grandma”! Carmen says she always taught her kids to respect their elders. Her sons started sleeping on the sofa so that Gean could have her own room, and they welcomed her with open arms.

The good news doesn’t end there. Gean’s husband had served in the army for a few years, so when an organization that helps veterans(退伍军人) and their families heard what happened to Gean, they offered help. It gathered more than 200 volunteers to totally repair Gean’s home.

It took about 18 months to complete, and Gean is over the moon to be back in her own home! Naturally, she’s going to share it with her new family! What started as a horrible time in Gean’s life ended in the best possible way! Because of the Silvas’ kindness, she has a family to rely on(依靠) for the first time in her life.


1.When did Gean get married?

A In 1956.

B In 1960.

C In 1963.

D In 1978.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一、二句“Gean LeVar of Glendale, Arizona, didn’t have that safety net on the worst day of her life back in January 2021. That day, Gean’s husband of 58 years passed away in their home.”可知,2021年1月,与Gean结婚58年的丈夫去世了,因此她是(2021-58=)1963年结的婚。故选C。

2.What might be Carmen’s kids’ attitude to living with Gean?

A Doubtful.

B Worried.

C Supportive.

D Uncaring.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“Her sons started sleeping on the sofa so that Gean could have her own room, and they welcomed her with open arms.”可知,Carmen的儿子们对Gean表示热烈欢迎,他们睡在沙发上,把房间让给Gean,因此她的孩子对Gean搬来和他们一起住这件事表示支持。故选C。

3.What does the underlined phrase in the last paragraph mean?

A Quite depressed.

B Very unwilling.

C Quite disappointed.

D Very pleased.

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“Naturally, she’s going to share it with her new family!”和全文可知,志愿者们帮助翻新Gean的老房子,让Gean重新有了家,Gean想要和她的“新家人”一起分享这份喜悦,因此她是非常高兴的。故选D。

4.From the passage, we can know that Carmen is____________.

A independent

B kind-hearted

C confident

D passive

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。通读全文可知,Carmen生活艰苦,他们一家十个人挤在只有三个小卧室的房间里面。当Gean无家可归时,同样很难的Carmen“收养”了她,并且教育她的孩子尊重长辈,由此可推知Carmen是心地善良的。故选B。