
Put on your walking shoes and don’t forget your step counter: You can reduce your risk for cancer, heart disease, dementia and early death by getting up to 10, 000 steps a day, but any amount of walking helps, according to a new study.

Health benefits rose with every step, the new study found, but reached the highest point at 10, 000 steps, lowering risk for dementia by 50%—after that the effects faded. Counting steps may be especially important for people who do unstructured, unplanned physical activity such as house work, gardening and dog walks.

“We especially detected a connection between incidental steps (steps taken to go about daily life) and a lower risk of both cancer and heart disease,” noted study coauthor Borja del Pozo Cruz, a senior researcher in health sciences for the University of Cadiz in Spain.

“In general, I think the study is well done and it certainly continues to add to the foundation of knowledge that tells us exercise is good stuff,” said Dr. Andrew Freeman. He was not involved in the research.

“Physical activity is just absolutely magnificent,” Freeman said. “And when you blend that with eating a more plant-based diet, de-stressing, sleeping enough and connecting with others—that’s your magic recipe. It’s the fountain of youth, if you will.”


1.What can be inferred from the new study?

A Walking can cure cancer, heart disease and dementia.

B Walking less than 10,000 steps a day has no benefit.

C The more steps you take, the more benefit you have.

D Counting steps may be vital for a housewife.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句“Counting steps may be especially important for people who do unstructured, unplanned physical activity such as house work, gardening and dog walks.”可知,计算步数对于做家务、做园艺和遛狗的人尤其重要,而这些事情更容易是家庭主妇做的事情。故选D。

2.What is Freeman’s attitude towards the study?

A Doubtful.

B Positive.

C Disapproving.

D Unclear.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第四段的“In general, I think the study is well done”可知,Freeman对于这项研究的看法是积极的。故选B。

3.Which of the following is not in the magic recipe?

A More plants.

B Enough sleep.

C Fewer drinks.

D Connections with others.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“And when you blend that with eating a more plant-based diet, de-stressing, sleeping enough and connecting with others—that’s your magic recipe.”可知,食谱中没有提及少喝酒。故选C。

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A Walking lowers risk of certain disease.

B Walking is the best way to keep healthy.

C Physical activity can cure disease.

D The magic recipe for health.

解析:选A。A 主旨大意题。文章主要讲的是散步走动可以减少患癌症、心脏病等疾病的风险。故选A。