
Yes, having a big name in science will help get your paper published, a new study confirms. Just 10% of reviewers of a test paper recommended acceptance when the only listed author was not well-known—but 59% endorsed the same paper when it carried the name of a Nobel winner.

The study, which involved inviting hundreds of researchers to review an economics paper, is “incredible,” says Mario Malicki, a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University and editor-in-chief of Research Integrity and Peer Review, who was not involved in the research. “It is the largest randomized controlled trial we have seen on publication bias(发表偏倚).”

For years, scientists have complained about the Matthew effect, a term invented in 1968 by sociologists Robert Merton and Harriet Zuckerman to describe how high-status researchers tend to get disproportionately(不成比例地) more of the same.

But efforts to document such bias often had weaknesses, such as a small sample size or lack of randomization. To avoid those problems, a team led by Jürgen Huber of the University of Innsbruck emailed some 3300 researchers, asking whether they would review an economics study prepared for a real journal. The study had two authors, both at Chapman University: Vernon Smith, a 2002 Nobel winner in economics and Sabiou Inoua, one of Smith’s former Ph.D. students. The potential peer reviewers were sent one of three descriptions of the paper: One named only Smith, listing him as the corresponding author; another, only Inoua; and a third, no author.

Ultimately, 821 researchers agreed to review, the team reported last week at the International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication in Chicago. Smith’s fame appeared to influence the responses: Of the researchers given just his name, 38.5% accepted the invitation to review; the figures were 30.7% for those given no name and 28.5% for those given just Inoua’s.


1.Which can replace the underlined word “endorsed” in the first paragraph?

A Approved of.

B Contradicted.

C Ignored.

D Tolerated.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。文章第一段第一句“Yes, having a big name in science will help get your paper published, a new study confirms.”表明,在科学领域名气越大,论文发表成功几率越大。划线词前面部分书“只有10%的审稿人建议接受一篇只有不知名作者的测试论文”,结合第一句可知,然而有59%的审稿人支持带有诺贝尔奖得主名字的同一篇论文。由此可知,endorsed表示“赞同,支持”之意。故选A。

2.What do we know about Mario Malicki?

A He once won a Nobel prize.

B He thinks highly of the study.

C He is an editor of Stanford University.

D He is the leader of the study.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段第一句的“The study, which involved inviting hundreds of researchers to review an economics paper, is “incredible,” says Mario Malicki”可知,Mario Malicki认为该研究“好极了、不可思议”。故选B。

3.Why did Jürgen Huber and his team conduct a research?

A To prove the existence of publication bias.

B To overcome the weaknesses of previous studies.

C To review an economics study for a journal.

D To compare the achievement of two economists.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第四段第一、二句可知,Jürgen Huber及其团队的研究是为了避免以前研究存在的“样品少缺乏随机性”等问题。故选B。

4.Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A Efforts to remove publication bias.

B The discovery of Matthew effect.

C Fame matters in publication.

D Methods to document publication bias.

解析:选C。C主旨大意题。根据文章第一句“Yes, having a big name in science will help get your paper published, a new study confirms.”及全文内容可知,文章讲的是作者的声望会影响作品是否能出版。故选C。