

Facebook is meant to represent real people and real associations; it’s also meant to be safe. Many of the rules of participation on Facebook exist to uphold those two goals. This list is by no means complete — there are plenty of things you can’t do on Facebook, and even more that you shouldn’t do. 

You can’t be someone else 

Lying about your identity is a violation of the Facebook Terms of Use and leads to Profile deactivation. Although many people try, Facebook doesn’t let anyone sign up with an obviously fake name like Juana B. Famous or Fakey McFakerson. Those who do make it past the name checks will likely find their account tracked down and deactivated.

You can’t be twelve or younger

Facebook takes very seriously the U.S. law that prohibits people under the age of 13 from creating an online Profile for themselves. This rule is in place for the safety of youngsters. If you or someone you know on Facebook is under 13, deactivate (or make them deactivate) the account now. If you’re reported to the Facebook user operations team, your account is deleted instantly.

You can’t troll

Facebook is about real people and real connections. It’s one thing to message a mutual friend or the occasional stranger whose Profile implies being open to meeting new people if the two of you have matching interests. However, the moment the people you contact have a problem with you sending unasked messages, your account is flagged; if the behavior continues, your account is deactivated.

You can’t upload illegal content

Respecting United States law is something Facebook has to do regardless of its own position on copyrighted material, hate speech, depictions of crimes, and other offensive content. However, doing so is also in line with Facebook’s value of being a safe, happy place for all people (older than the age of 12). Facebook is all about freedom of speech and self-expression, but the moment you compromise anyone’s safety or break any law, disciplinary action is taken.


1.Why does Facebook have many rules?

A Because there are things you can’t do and you shouldn’t do.

B Because these rules can ensure the users to use Facebook safely.

C Because Facebook requires all participation to be real in life.

D Because by following the rules your account will not be deactivated.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段Many of the rules of participation on Facebook exist to uphold those two goals可知这些规则的目的是为了达到前面所说的两个目标:保证用户的真实性及用户的安全。

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A If you lie about your name, you can’t activate Profile.

B You are not allowed to sign up with the name of Barak Obama.

C If you have a strange name, your account will be deactivated.

D You can’t pass name checks if you lie about your identity.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章第二段Facebook doesn’t let anyone sign up with an obviously fake name可知,Facebook不允许使用假名字注册,由此判断,用Barak Obama注册是通不过的。

3.Why does Facebook limit the age of its users?

A This can guarantee the safety for the youngsters.

B U.S. law forbids youngsters to have their Profiles online.

C Facebook user operations team takes US law seriously.

D Facebook does not allow any unlawful behavior online.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段This rule is in place for the safety of youngsters可知,Facebook限制用户年龄的原因是为了保障青少年的安全。

4.What can be implied in the last paragraph?

A One must respect the US law despite of his position.

B Descriptions of crime are forbidden on Facebook.

C One has the freedom of speech, but not unlimited.

D Facebook is a happy place for people over 12 years old.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Facebook is all about freedom of speech and self-expression, but the moment you compromise anyone’s safety or break any law, disciplinary action is taken可知虽然Facebook是一个言论自由之地,但是任何违反法律的行为终会被追究的。由此判断,Facebook的言论自由并不不是没有限制的。

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A Tips on Using Facebook

B Using Facebook Wisely

C Safety Concerns on Facebook

D Rules to Follow on Facebook

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了Facebook社交网站上的一些用户规则,故选D。