83岁阿尔兹海默症患者走失4天 幸亏有这位小英雄
83岁阿尔兹海默症患者走失4天 幸亏有这位小英雄

For four long days, Nina Lipscomb’s family used every resource at their disposal to find her.

Nina is almost 83 years old and has Alzheimer’s disease. She was visiting family in Senoia, Georgia when she told them she was going to find her sister, who passed away in March. Nina went missing, and her family was desperate to bring her home.

On the fourth day of her disappearance, Brittany Moore and her 1-year-old son Ethan were playing in their backyard, which is just a quarter of a mile from where Nina vanished. Ethan was playing with a bubble wand when a few bubbles floated to the fence line. When the little boy got to the fence, he froze, staring into the woods. Brittany followed her son.

“I went over there and said, ‘What do you see?’ and he pointed and said, ‘feet,’” Brittany recalled. “‘Okay, can you say that again? What did you say?’ and he said, ‘feet.’” Brittany crouched(蹲) down to her son’s level. Sure enough, she saw the bottom half of someone lying down in the underbrush. Brittany says she got into a panic before calling the police, fearing the feet belonged to someone who could hurt her and her family. But when the police arrived, it was Nina they discovered in the woods. She was lost. Luckily, she was unharmed even after four days in the rough!

Nina’s family was happy to have her back at home. Her daughter, Karen Lipscomb, says she’s not entirely surprised that it was a child who found her. The following week, Brittany brought Ethan to their home so he could meet Nina. Karen says the families plan to keep in touch with their little hero. Nina’s family tried to give Brittany money as a reward, but they refused. Like many heroes, they realize that the real reward is knowing they helped someone in need!


1.Why did Nina go out?

A She was at her most desperate.

B She had a fight with her family.

C She wanted to find her sister.

D She wanted to play with Ethan.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段第二句的“...when she told them she was going to find her sister...”可知,妮娜患有阿兹海默症,她忘记她姐姐去世了,她出门去找她姐姐了。故选C。

2.Which has the closest meaning to the underlined word “vanished”?

A Bounced.

B Escaped.

C Arrested.

D Disappeared.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据前文提到的“Nina went missing”以及“On the fourth day of her disappearance”可知,伊桑玩的地方距离妮娜失踪的地方不远,由此可知vanished表示“消失,失踪”,与disappeared同义。故选D。

3.How did Brittany feel before calling the police?

A Scared.

B Excited.

C Embarrassed.

D Disappointed.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第四段倒数第四句“Brittany says she got into a panic before calling the police, fearing the feet belonged to someone who could hurt her and her family.”可知,布列塔尼和儿子在玩的时候发现了一只脚,布列塔尼在打电话给警察前有点惊慌,因为她担心这脚属于某个可能伤害她和她家人的人。故选A。

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A Brittany’s family thought money was important.

B Nina’s family was grateful to Ethan.

C Karen was surprised that Ethan found her mom.

D Karen loses touch with Ethan now.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第二、三句“Karen says the families plan to keep in touch with their little hero. Nina’s family tried to give Brittany money as a reward, but they refused.”可知,妮娜的家人计划与这个小英雄伊桑保持联系。他们甚至还尝试给布列塔尼钱来感谢伊桑。由此可推知妮娜的家人很感激这个小英雄。故选B。