为女儿树榜样 患秃头症母亲勇敢改变自我
为女儿树榜样 患秃头症母亲勇敢改变自我

The 33-year-old mom Mckenna Reitz loved her long, thick brown hair. Her hair started to fall out after the birth of her second daughter. She went to many hospitals, but nothing could stop her hair from falling. By December of 2015, she was completely bald(秃头的) and diagnosed with alopecia(秃头症).

Mckenna was devastated. She spent months visiting experts and trying anything to regrow her hair. She wouldn’t leave the house without a hat or wig(假发). Mckenna says she couldn’t even look in the mirror after her hair fell out. She could hardly get out of bed in the morning, but it was her young daughters who finally pulled her out of her fear.

Understanding that alopecia is genetic(遗传的), she decided to show her daughters that hair loss is not the end of the world. “I needed them to understand that if it does happen to them, they could get through it, just as their mom did,” she said.

From that point on, she stopped trying to make her hair grow back and started to accept herself. She stopped wearing hats and wigs in public. In time, she learned to love herself again, and she felt so confident now.

“God gives the strongest people the most serious challenges. I’m so lucky. It’s made me understand that every person has their own story. Mine just happens to be visible.”

Mckenna is a beautiful person, inside and out. Her important work is helping to remove the stigma(污名) around hair loss while reminding us that we are so much more than our physical body!


1.How old was Mckenna Reitz when she got alopecia?

A 24.

B 26.

C 28.

D 30.

解析:选B。B数字计算题。根据第一段第一句的“The 33-year-old mom Mckenna Reitz”和最后一句的“By December of 2015”可知,今年(2022年)Mckenna是33岁,她在2015年(7年前)被诊断患有秃头症,故她在2015年(33-7=)26岁。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “devastated” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A Satisfied.

B Upset.

C Excited.

D Comfortable.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“She spent months visiting experts and trying anything to regrow her hair.”“r. She wouldn’t leave the house without a hat or wig”“she couldn’t even look in the mirror”和“She could hardly get out of bed”可知,Mckenna得知自己有秃头症的时候,不断去看医生,不让别人看到自己的秃头,不敢看照镜子,早上不肯起床,因此可推断出她当时很绝望很难过。故选B。

3.Why did Mckenna decide to accept her hair loss?

A She wanted to set an example to her daughters.

B She didn’t think being sad can change anything.

C Her daughters encouraged her to do that.

D Her husband cut his hair really short.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Understanding that alopecia is genetic(遗传的), she decided to show her daughters that hair loss is not the end of the world.”可知,当知道到她的秃头是会遗传的,并且有一天会影响到她的女儿们时,她决心让她们知道脱发并不是世界末日。她想要她们明白,如果秃头症真的发生在她们身上,她们可以像她们的母亲所做的那样渡过难关。故选A。

4.Which of the following can show that Mckenna accepted herself?

A She could hardly get out of bed.

B She had a fight with her doctors.

C She gave up her hats and wigs.

D She shared her story with others.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“She stopped wearing hats and wigs in public.”可知,决定给女儿做榜样后,她开始接受自己的样子——她不再在公共场合戴帽子和假发。故选C。

5.What can we learn from Mckenna?

A The poor man is not the man without a cent, but the man without a dream.

B The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time.

C A year’s plan is in spring, and a day’s plan is in the morning.

D How beautiful the world is depends on how much we love ourselves.

解析:选D。D主旨大意题。根据第四段最后一句的“she learned to love herself again”和最后一段最后一句的“while reminding us that we are so much more than our physical body”可知,没有什么能够阻止我们变美丽,我们要学会接受自己并爱自己,这样世界才会变得更美好。因此“这个世界多美好,取决于我们有多爱自己”符合题意。故选D。