

Beijing delivered a strong protest after Japanese foreign minister Fumio Kishida defined a Chinese territorial area next to India as Indian territory. "We hope Japan fully understands the sensitivity of the China-India boundary question," Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said in Beijing on Monday.

Kishida attracted media attention after referring to a southern area of China's Tibet autonomous region as Indian territory in a speech in New Delhi.

Beijing has taken notice of the report, expressed serious concerns, demanded Japan make a clarification and immediately manage damage control, according to the spokesman. Hong Lei confirmed that Tokyo clearly stated its position of "no taking sides in regard to the areas disputed by China and India" and told Beijing it will not get involved in the issue. Tokyo has made a relevant clarification publicly, Hong added.

Beijing urges Tokyo to "pay due respect to efforts made by China and India in resolving disputes through negotiations" and "be cautious with words and actions when it comes to the issue", Hong said.

On the China-India boundary question, the spokesman said China's position regarding the eastern section of the China-India boundary is consistent and clear. The two countries are "seeking a fair, reasonable solution that will be acceptable to both sides" through a special representatives meeting mechanism, Hong said.


1.Who said that Chinese territorial area belong to India?

A Hong Lei.

B Fumio Kishida.

C Abe.

D Putin.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句…Japanese foreign minister Fumio Kishida defined a Chinese territorial area next to India as Indian territory.可知,故选B。

2.Where did Kishida say the stupid words?

A In Tokyo.

B In Washington.

C In New Delhi.

D In Beijing.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段Kishida attracted media attention … as Indian territory in a speech in New Delhi.可知,故选C。

3.What does “autonomous region”in paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?

A 自治区.

B 独立区.

C 自助区.

D 自主区.

解析:选A。A 语义推测题。西藏为我国自治区,故选A。

4.When your parents are having a terrible quarrel, it’s better .

A to help your mother

B to help your father

C not to take sides

D to stay in your own room

解析:选C。C 内容理解题。take sides意为“偏袒”,父母吵架,孩子不应偏袒而应劝架,故选C。

5.What statement is RIGHT according to the passage?

A A war will break out between China and India.

B A war will break out between China and India.

C Japan has no right to get involved in the issues between China and India.

D Tokyo said it will take sides in regard to the areas disputed by China and India.

解析:选C。C 内容理解题。日本无权介入中印事务,故选C。