
Having entering China’s space home for nearly three months, the Shenzhou-14 astronauts successfully carried out the first extravehicular(舱外的) activity on Thursday. The whole process took about six hours , and it was the first time that astronauts walked into space through the airlock cabin(气闸舱) in the Wentian lab module(舱), which just arrived at the space station about a month ago.

Chen Dong and Liu Yang carried out the spacewalk this time, while their teammate Cai Xuzhe was responsible for all kinds of support work inside the cabin. They began preparing for the task wearing spacesuits at 3:48 pm on Thursday, and at 7 pm, the two successfully moved out of the cabin.

The Shenzhou-12 and -13 astronauts walked into the space through the node cabin(节点舱) in the Tianhe, while the Shenzhou-14 astronauts for the first time walked through the airlock cabin in the Wentian. The cabin in the Tianhe has a gate width of 85 centimeters, while the airlock cabin in the Wentian is one meter wide, allowing astronauts to walk more “freely” into space. Therefore, the airlock cabin of the Wentian will become the main gate for extravehicular activities, while the one in the Tianhe will serve as backup(备用物). The two cabins will better ensure(确保) the safety of astronauts during extravehicular work.

The first group of astronauts entering the Tianhe, the Shenzhou-12 astronauts, carried out one spacewalk, while the Shenzhou-13 astronauts, completed two successfully. The Shenzhou-14 astronauts are expected to carry out two to three spacewalks.


1.What can we know from Paragraph 1?

A The whole space work took about half a day.

B The astronauts carried out only one activity in space.

C The astronauts have arrived at the space station for a while.

D Astronauts often walk into space through the gate of the Wentian.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“Having entering China’s space home for nearly three months...”可知,神舟十四号的三名航天员已经进入空间站近三个月了。故选C。

2.Who does the underlined part “the two” refer to?

A Chen Dong and Liu Yang.

B Cai Xuzhe and Liu Yang.

C Wang Yaping and Liu Yang.

D Cai Xuzhe and Chen Dong.

解析:选A。A词意指代题。根据第二段第一句“Chen Dong and Liu Yang carried out the spacewalk this time, while their teammate Cai Xuzhe was responsible for all kinds of support work inside the cabin.”可知,开展舱外操作的是陈冬和刘洋,即“the two”指的是陈冬和刘洋。故选A。

3.What’s the similarity between the node cabin and the airlock cabin?

A Their weight.

B Their use.

C Their width.

D Their location.


4.What can be learned from the last paragraph? .

A Exploring the space makes astronauts excited.

B Shenzhou-14’s tasks are difficult but interesting.

C China has been making progress in space exploration.

D Chinese people have much knowledge of space.


5.In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?




