母亲处于崩溃边缘 陌生人送字条夹现金鼓励
母亲处于崩溃边缘 陌生人送字条夹现金鼓励

Devon Linden takes her two children to swim practice every week, but this special day was more difficult than most. Both kids were having meltdowns(精神崩溃).

“To be honest, I was then really near tears just as a mom. I was trying to keep it together, and cheer my kids up,” Linden said. That’s when a nice stranger appeared, handed her a note of encouragement, and told her that she’s got this.

“When she saw me having a hard time, she didn’t pass judgement(评判) on me, my kids, my parenting, anything that was happening. She just chose to encourage me,” Linden said. The note read: “Your life and purpose are huge! Life is so important. Every day is a gift, so make it count. Enjoy!” Linden didn’t unfolded(展开) the note until she got in her car. And she found a surprise: $100! Linden said she broke down in tears.

“I want to be like her. I can try to be great in the best way,” Linden said. And she has some words for the woman who encouraged her. “Really thank you for seeing me in a hard time and giving me what I needed in that time. It made me feel like I can spend my day being a good mom and person,” Linden said.


1.What do Linden’s two children learn to do every week?

A Draw.

B Sing.

C Swim.

D Dance.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句的“Devon Linden takes her two children to swim practice every week”可知,Devon Linden每周都会带孩子去练习游泳。故选C。

2.How did Linden feel at first?

A Upset.

B Happy.

C Relaxed.

D Cheerful.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第一段可知,两个孩子精神崩溃了,结合第二段的“I was then really near tears just as a mom”可知,Linden当时要安抚两个孩子,她作为一个妈妈也快哭了,由此推断她当时心烦意乱。故选A。

3.What can we know from Paragraph 3?

A The stranger said some unfriendly words.

B Linden talked with the stranger happily.

C Linden asked the stranger for $100.

D The money in the note surprised Linden.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段的“And she found a surprise: $100! Linden said she broke down in tears.”可知,Linden在无字条里发现了一个惊喜:100美元现金!即这100美元让她很吃惊。故选D。

4.What will Linden do in the future?

A Find the stranger.

B Help others.

C Be a successful lady.

D Have a hard time.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据最后一段中第一句的“I want to be like her. I can try to be great in the best way”可知,Linden想成为那个陌生人那样的人,即在他人有困难的时候帮助他们。故选B。

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A Don’t Pass Judgement on Anyone.

B A Mom was Encouraged by a Stranger.

C A Mom Hates to Take Kids to Swim.

D Try to Encourage Anyone You Meet.
