狗子流浪七年被收养 成了新主家救命“英雄”
狗子流浪七年被收养 成了新主家救命“英雄”

One day, Mary Cormier got a call. The call was about a street dog. A car hit him and broke his leg.

The dog, Ranger, became homeless(无家可归的) seven years ago. Cormier took him home and looked after him. She also taught him how to take food from her hand. “He is a good dog,” Cormier said. She wanted to help Ranger find a new owner(主人). At last, Judy Okert became Ranger’s owner. “He’s cool,” Okert said.

Last week, Ranger alerted(提醒) Okert when her granddaughter was having a seizure(癫痫发作). Okert went into her granddaughter’s room in time and saved her. “Ranger is so important to me and my family,” Okert said.


1.The dog couldn’t walk well because of ________.

A Mary Cormier

B the call

C a car accident

D another street dog

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“A car hit him and broke his leg.”可知,一辆车撞断了他的一条腿,可知这条狗是因为车祸而不能很好地行走了。故选C。

2.When did Ranger begin his life on the streets?

A In 2015.

B In 2016.

C In 2017.

D In 2018.

解析:选A。A 数字计算题。根据第二段第一句的“Ranger, became homeless seven years ago.”可知,这条狗七年前(2022-7=2015年)成了流浪狗。故选A。

3.What did Cormier teach Ranger to do?

A To get food from her hand.

B To look after his new owner.

C To find food from her home.

D To save other homeless dogs.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第二段的“She also taught him how to take food from her hand.”可知,Cormier教这条狗如何从自己手上获取食物.故选A。

4.What does Okert think of Ranger?

A Fat and cute.

B Cool but noisy.

C Poor and boring.

D Cool and important.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的“He’s cool.”可知,Okert 认为Ranger很酷;又根据第三段的“Ranger is so important to me and my family”可知,Ranger对于Okert 来说也很重要。故选D。

5.We can read the passage in ______ part of a newspaper.

A Sports

B Animals

C Plants

D Books

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了一条流浪狗在街头流浪七年后,被人收养的故事,与动物相关,因此我们可以在报纸的“动物”版块读到。故选B。