
Lan Huiyun is a geography teacher from No. 1 Middle School in Shanxi province. After his students finished the gaokao of 2022, he let them experience a special journey. He and his 13 students finally reached Qinghai Lake in Qinghai province after riding 2,000 kilometers in 18 days.

They set off from their school and passed through the provinces of Shanxi and Shaanxi, the Inner Mongolia and Ningxia Hui autonomous regions(自治区) and Gansu province before arriving in Qinghai.

In early May 2022, Lan began to plan a safe bicycle route. He also provided training about riding and staying safe. “When I noticed they were tired or in low spirits, I would give them some snacks or tell them a joke to inspire them to keep going,” he said. “Luckily, all of us persisted(顽强坚持) and reached the destination.”

It was not the first time Lan had organized such a journey to commemorate(纪念) the end of high school. After the gaokao of 2016, he and seven of his students rode from Shuozhou to Manzhouli. And in 2019, Lan and 11 students spent 16 days riding from Shuozhou to Shanghai.

“I never thought a teacher’s task was only to teach from books,” he said. “I hope the students will experience real life and learn how to deal with difficulties.” Although it needs time to organize such activities, he said he was “happy to see their growth during the trips. I will continue to bring more students to ride outside our city in the future”.


1.How many people joined the special journey?

A 13.

B 14.

C 18.

D 20.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段的“He and his 13 students finally reached Qinghai Lake ...”可知,一名老师带着13名学生,总共14人。故选B。

2.Lan and his students set off from ________ province.

A Ningxia.

B Shaanxi.

C Shanxi.

D Gansu.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“Lan Huiyun is a geography teacher from No. 1 Middle School in Shanxi province”以及第二段第一句的“They set off from their school...”可知,学校在山西省,即他们从山西省出发的。故选C。

3.What does the underlined word “inspire” mean?

A Invite.

B Delete.

C Encourage.

D Refuse.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据划线部分前面的“When I noticed they were tired or in low spirits, I would give them some snacks or tell them a joke”可知,当兰会云注意到学生们精疲力竭、情绪低落时,他会给他们一些零食或和他们开个玩笑,鼓励他们继续前进。故选C。

4.The journey of 2022 was Lan’s _________ one with his students after the gaokao.

A first

B second

C third

D fourth

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段的“After the gaokao of 2016, he and seven of students rode from Shuozhou to Manzhouli. And in 2019, Lan and 11 students spent 16 days riding from Shuozhou to Shanghai.”可知,兰会云分别于2016年和2019年带领学生骑行,2022年这次是第三次。故选C。

5.What may Lan do in the future?

A Tell more people the importance of riding.

B Bring more students to travel by riding.

C Teach more students to ride bikes.

D Invite more people to travel in his city.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的“I will continue to bring more students to ride outside our city in the future”可知,未来,兰会云会带更多的学生骑行去别的地方旅游。故选B。