
Averie Lazzara, the adorable 6-year-old, has already been through a lot in her short life, but you’d never know it from her easy smile. Eighteen months ago, Averie was pronounced cancer-free after a years-long battle that started when she was just 2 years old.

Averie was a regular visitor to the hospital, where she met a very special nurse named Jamie Rogers. After getting to know one another for a few weeks, they hit it off!

“She is the cutest, most fun little girl you’ll ever meet,” said Jamie. “The first couple weeks she was still getting used to us, but once she did, her personality came through, and she just wanted to play.” Over time, Averie and Jamie became great friends.  

Now that she’s in remission(缓解期), Averie still visits the hospital every two months. Recently, her mom shared a school paper that Averie had made. When asked what she wants to be when she’s older, Averie wrote, “mommy and Nurse Jamie.” “It was honestly the biggest compliment ever,” said Jamie. “It just made my whole day.” Mom Stacy Lazzara says that Jamie has been the perfect friend for her daughter throughout her cancer journey.

Jamie truly made what could have been a terrible experience fun for the little girl. She went through many unpleasant tests and procedures, yet when you ask her about those two years, Averie only recalls spending time with the nurse.

“I think what’s especially powerful is that it was not one big thing Jamie did to make a monumental impact(巨大的影响), but rather a million little things,” Stacy said. “She took what could have been a really terrible experience for Averie and found a way to infuse joy into her days. That’s a gift I could never put a value on.”


1.What does the underlined part “they hit it off” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A They hugged each other every time they met.

B They knock their bodies against the wall.

C They developed a strong relationship.

D They started a battle with each other.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据下文第三段最后一句“Over time, Averie and Jamie became great friends.”可知,随着时间的推移,她们互相了解,成为了好朋友。故选C。

2.What can we infer from Paragraph 4?

A Averie wants to be a doctor when she grows up.

B Jamie feels disappointed about Averie’s dream.

C Averie was nursed back to health by her mom.

D Averie still stays in touch with Jamie.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第四段第一句的“Now that she’s in remission, Averie still visits the hospital every two months.”可知,现在Averie的病情有所好转,但她仍然每两个月去一次医院,因此可推测Averie和Jamie仍然保持着联系。故选D。

3.What impressed Averie most in the hospital?

A Food made by the nurse.

B Unpleasant procedures.

C Uncountable tests.

D Time with Jamie.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句的“when you ask her about those two years, Averie only recalls spending time with the nurse.”可知,这个小女孩这两年经历了化疗和其他许多令人痛苦的身体检查和手术,Jamie的照顾让这些原本可能很糟糕的体验变得有趣起来。所以当有人问起Averie这两年的情况时,她只记得和Jamie在一起的时光。故选D。

4.Which of the following best describes Averie as a nurse?

A Intelligent.

B Caring.

C Confident.

D Humorous.
