小男孩顶烈日卖柠檬水 意外获上千美元小费
小男孩顶烈日卖柠檬水 意外获上千美元小费

When Lexy Burke was working as a waitress, someone once handed her $1,000 as a tip. She never forgot it, because it was a life-changing sum for her at the time. She has always wanted to pay it forward, so when the COVID-19 pandemic started, she started a TikTok Venmo Challenge to raise money for hardworking people like waiters, drivers, and others who have fallen on hard times. Until now, she’s raised $200,000 for more than 170 people.

One day, Lexy and her husband decided to go out for lunch. On the way there, they spotted a young man selling lemonade(柠檬汽水) on a street corner. With temperatures hovering around 39℃, Lexy and Austin decided to help the boy!

The couple told the boy, whose name is Niko, that they’d come back in one hour. They asked him to wait for them and promised him it would be worth his time. Without knowing a thing about them, he agreed. Austin and Lexy went to lunch and shared Niko’s story on TikTok. By the time their lunch check arrived, they’d added an extra $600 to the $400 they already had in just one hour! Lexy decided they’d “round it up” to $1,100 total.

When they went back, they asked Niko why he was selling lemonade. “I play on a soccer team, and I was invited to Portugal with my soccer team, but it meant a lot of money,” Niko told them. “My dad was ill and I decided to pay for at least half of it.”

We thought Niko’s eyes were going to pop out of his head! He couldn’t control his emotion for the sudden, unexpected money and immediately hugged me,” Lexy said.

Lexy and Austin got to meet Niko’s family for lunch that week, and he is already so excited to go to Portugal for soccer camp next year! He and his family are already thinking of ways to pay their good fortune forward, just as Lexy did.


1.What’s the purpose of paragraph one?

A To make the passage fun and easy.

B To provide some advice for readers.

C To give some background information.

D To introduce a new topic for discussion.


2.What happened when the couple left the boy for a lunch?

A They shared Niko’s story online and asked for people’s help.

B They cooked a delicious lunch for the boy selling lemonade.

C They went to a restaurant and gave a $1,100 tip to the waiter.

D They visited Niko’s father in the hospital and gave him $1,100.


3.What does the underlined part mean?

A Niko felt too hot under the sun.

B Niko was extremely excited.

C Niko didn’t believe the couple.

D Niko had an eye problem.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据划线部分后面的“He couldn’t control his emotion for the sudden, unexpected money and immediately hugged me”可知,男孩对这笔意外之财的到来感到很激动。故选B。

4.What may Niko do in the future?

A Give up playing soccer.

B Move to Portugal with his father.

C Visit Lexy more often.

D Help others as Lexy did.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“He and his family are already thinking of ways to pay their good fortune forward, just as Lexy did.”可知,Niko和家人在想办法像莱克西一样将好运和善意延续下去,结合前文Lexy在接受帮助后帮助他人,回报社会,因此可推知Niko在得到Lexy的帮助后也会帮助他人。故选D。