持续高温致用电紧张 成都采取各种措施应对
持续高温致用电紧张 成都采取各种措施应对

Metro stations in Sichuan province’s capital city Chengdu have dimmed their lights to save electricity, leaving some travelers in partial darkness as China struggles with a record heat wave.

The rail system of southwestern city of Chengdu, home to about 21 million people, started operating on “power-saving” mode Wednesday, activating low-power lights and regulating temperatures in stations and train compartments(车厢), its operator said in a statement, without specifying how long the measures would last. Photos circulated on social media showed people waiting for trains on dimly lit platforms and transiting through darkened stations. The energy-saving measures are among many being rolled out amid a power shortage caused by China’s fiercest regional heat wave in six decades.

Temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) have hit dozens of cities across parts of southwest, central and eastern China, and surging demand for air conditioning is putting pressure on the power grid(电网). The power crisis has been compounded by a drought, as low water levels in the Yangtze River, one of China’s most commercially important waterways, and connected water bodies, have reduced the amount of electricity produced at hydropower plants.

Top provincial officials warned Sichuan is facing the “most severe and extreme moment” in power supply, Sichuan Daily reported. A commentary published by the government called for government offices not to set their air conditioning units any lower than 26 degrees Celsius (78.8 Fahrenheit) and to minimize their elevator use, advising those on lower floors to take the stairs. It also urged sports and commercial venues(场地) to reduce lighting and the use of high-powered electric equipment, turn off fountains, and cut down on nighttime activities.

The heat wave is showing no immediate signs of fading, with China’s Meteorological Administration on Thursday issuing its highest heat warning, a red alert heat, to at least 237 cities and counties across the country. A red alert is activated when temperatures are forecast to exceed 40 degrees Celsius. Another 432 cities and counties were issued the second-highest orange alert warning, where high temperatures were forecast of around 37 degrees Celsius (98 degrees Fahrenheit).

Earlier this month, China’s National Climate Center said some 900 million people had been affected by heatwaves in the country since mid-June.


1.What do we know about Chengdu from the text?

A It’s the largest city in Sichuan province.

B Around twenty-one million people live here.

C Its rail system saves power every Wednesday.

D It suffers power shortage almost every summer.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句的“The rail system of southwestern city of Chengdu, home to about 21 million people.”可知,居住于成都的人口为两千一百万左右。文中并没有提到成都是四川最大的城市,不能选A。故选B。

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “compounded” in Paragraph 3?

A Improved.

B Relieved.

C Worsened.

D Solved.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据划线词所在句子的句意可知,干旱导致长江水位下降,发电量减少,因此用电危机加剧。故选C。

3.What was advised by the commentary?

A To set air conditioners higher than 25 degrees Celsius in government offices.

B To stop elevator use for workers in government offices, especially those on lower floors.

C To postpone all sport events and commercial activities so as to reduce lighting.

D To turn off fountains and forbid citizens from taking part in nighttime activities.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第四段第二句的“A commentary published by the government called for government offices not to set their air conditioning units any lower than 26 degrees Celsius”可知,建议空调开至不低于26度,即25度以上。故选A。

4.What can be inferred from Paragraph 5?

A The heat wave will be over pretty soon all over the country.

B The heat wave will not begin until this Thursday across the country.

C In more than 237 cities and counties the temperature will be over 40 degrees Celsius.

D About 432 cities and counties across the country will not be affected by the heat wave.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第五段第一句中的“with China’s Meteorological Administration on Thursday issuing its highest heat warning, a red alert heat, to at least 237 cities and counties across the country”和第二句“A red alert is activated when temperatures are forecast to exceed 40 degrees Celsius.”可知,有至少237个市和县发布了红色高温预警,发布高温预警的前提是温度超过40度。故选C。