男子突发疾病泳池中溺水 3个小男孩智勇营救
男子突发疾病泳池中溺水 3个小男孩智勇营救

Just days before the holiday, Brad was doing some deep breathing exercises in his backyard pool while his twin 10-year-old sons, Bridon and Christian, played with their friend, Sam Ebert. Brad does this meditation(冥想) every day, sitting cross-legged on the bottom of the pool for minutes on end.         

Brad finds performing these exercises in the pool “peaceful and relaxing”, but he doesn’t remember finishing them that day. At some point he stopped breathing and fell over onto his side, his face turning pale. Christian noticed that his dad was sitting in a different way than usual so he jumped into the water.

“Dad’s not okay!” Christian called out to his brother. Bridon told Sam to call for help, but since they didn’t have any phones with them, Sam had to run to a neighbor’s house. When he discovered that no one was home, he ran outside and turned to a passing driver who then called 911.

Meanwhile, Christian and Bridon dragged(拖) Brad over the pool’s stairs, but he was not breathing. Although he’d never done CPR before, Bridon said they’d seen it done on TV. The boy began to perform CPR and rescue breaths all the while begging, “Please, dad, come back.” Soon, an ambulance arrived. It was then that Brad began to cough — he was back!

“When I kind of came to — I’m coughing up blood and water, struggling to breathe, and there are people everywhere. My one son was shouting, ‘Daddy, daddy, come back!’” said Brad.

After spending a night in the hospital, Brad was able to go home. Now, he’s counting his lucky stars that he wasn’t alone in the pool that day, and he’s advising others to never swim alone. Most importantly, he couldn’t be more thankful that his sons and their friend were able to act so quickly to save his life.

“I love them,” said Brad. “I’m very proud of them and grateful. I’ll be grateful for the rest of my life.”


1.What can be put back in the blank of Paragraph 1?

A He certainly has learned to perform CPR.

B But on this particular day, something went wrong.

C Most dads are just glad to play with their children.

D However, Brad has got the gift of a lifetime this year.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据划线部分前面的“Brad does this meditation every day”可知,Brad每天都会在池子里打坐,又根据下文描述的营救Brad 的相关内容可知,这天Brad发生了意外。因此空白处需要一个句子来引出下面的意外发生的事件。故选B。

2.Who called 911 for Brad?

A Christian.

B Sam Ebert.

C A neighbor.

D A strange driver.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句的“he ran outside and turned to a passing driver who then called 911.”可知,一名路过的司机帮他们报了警。故选D。

3.What sort of boy is Bridon?

A Romantic and warm.

B Brave and smart.

C Shy and creative.

D Independent and kind.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第四段第二三句的“Although he’d never done CPR before, Bridon said they’d seen it done on TV. The boy began to perform CPR”可知,Bridon没有学过做CPR(心肺复苏),只在电视上看到过,但是在危机关头他却拯救了他父亲的生命,由此可见Bridon是一个勇敢又聪明的男孩。故选B。

4.What advice does Brad have for others after the accident?

A Leaving their phones home.

B Learning to perform CPR.

C Never swimming alone.

D Being grateful every day.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第六段第二句的“and he’s advising others to never swim alone.”可知,Brad建议大家不要独自游泳。故选C。