
Ten years ago, my daughter came home from school and told me some classmates made fun of her. My immediate reaction was to tell her that if anyone ever did that to her again, she should punch(拳打) them in the face. That was really bad advice. What my daughter needed me to teach her was how to deal with uncomfortable feelings. That’s what your daughter needs too. Here are three tools your daughter can use that are better than a punch when someone makes her uncomfortable.

A safe place

If your daughter has an uncomfortable experience with her classmate, she needs to know it’s safe to talk to you about it. That means you won’t dismiss it as nothing. You need to communicate to her that she isn’t alone, that she is loved, and that you believe her. This creates a safe place for her to deal with uncomfortable feelings.


You can’t control your daughter’s choice of friends at school. However, you can work to surround her with positive relationships. These can be extended(扩展了的) family relationships, church friends, sports teams—people you know are working to build your daughter up. You can’t completely let her stay away from people who will make her uncomfortable. But you can encourage her to spend time with people who will encourage her.


You can encourage your daughter to respond in these difficult situations by practicing with her. Running through potential situations can make her prepared so she feels like she has tools when she finds herself in a difficult situation and wonders how to deal with uncomfortable feelings. For example, you could ask your daughter to share a time a classmate made her uncomfortable. Then ask, “What could you have done or said in that time to create safety?” It’s important not to make her feel guilty as though this was her fault. Rather, by talking through it, you can help her imagine effective ways to respond.


1.What did the writer advise his daughter to do after some classmates made fun of her?

A To fight back.

B To write a letter.

C To say sorry at once.

D To ask her teacher for help.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据文中的“My immediate reaction was to tell her that if anyone ever did that to her again, she should punch them in the face. That was really bad advice.”可知,当作者的女儿告诉他她在学校被嘲笑后,作者第一反应就是告诉她,如果有人再这样对她,她应该打他们的脸,即应该“反击、抵抗”。故选A。

2.What does the underlined word “dismiss” mean?

A Download.

B Forgive.

C Donate.

D Ignore.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据后面的“You need to communicate to her that she isn’t alone, that she is loved, and that you believe her.”可知,你的女儿需要知道和你谈论与同学的不愉快经历是安全的。你需要告诉她,她并不孤单,她是被爱着的,你是相信她的。因此这意味着你不会“忽视(ignore)”她说的话。故选D。

3.What can be put back into the blank?

A Enough confidence.

B Positive attitudes.

C Good friends.

D Forgive others.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。该段主要讲了积极的关系对女儿的重要性,由此可推知“Good friends”最适合作为该段标题。故选C。

4.Who does the writer write the passage for?

A Parents.

B Teachers.

C Children.

D Students.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章中反复出现daughter一词,由此可推断,本篇文章是一位父亲/母亲写给其他父母的建议。故选A。