
Growing up, Eli Goldman has good memories of his family’s weekly Shabbat dinner. His mother would cook for hours preparing food to nourish(养育) not just her own family, but anyone nearby who needed a good meal. The act of feeding others left a lasting impression on Eli, who went on to work as a fundraiser for a non-profit specializing in feeding the hungry.

Like many others, Eli was working at home at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. That April, he was listening to a story on NPR about Italians lowering baskets of food from their balconies to feed their neighbors. He looked at his own situation, and came up with an idea.

“I realized I could do the same in Astoria,” Eli said. “So I started preparing bread and lowering it in a basket, and anyone who wanted to buy it from the street, could. I would then donate 100 percent of that money.” By May, Eli had moved on from bread to barbecue(烧烤). If someone can’t pay, they don’t have to. It’s just that simple.

At first, just a few people showed up to eat Eli’s delicious food. Over time, however, word about the good food spread, and soon he had lines of people waiting to purchase his food. Eli realized it was time to expand, so he formed Tikkum BBQ and reached out to community businesses to partner with them.

“Tikkun comes from ‘tikkun olam’, which in Judaism, means helping repair the world,” Eli explained, adding that he knows he won’t be able to repair all of the world’s problems with just barbecue, but stating, “To me, that meaning means that it is my responsibility to do whatever I can to help support my community.”

Two years later, Tikkum BBQ serves up to 100 people at a time. Eli’s dream of feeding the masses(群众) is working. Two years after lowering that first basket of bread to the sidewalk below, he has raised over $90,000 for his community!


1.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?

A Eli wanted to be a great cook.

B Eli’s mother had a strong influence on him.

C Eli always works from home.

D Eli lowered baskets of food to his neighbors.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句的“The act of feeding others left a lasting impression on Eli”可知,Eli的妈妈给其他人食物的行为给他留下了深刻印象,即他的妈妈对他产生了很大的影响。故选B。

2.Eli sold bread and spent the money in____________.

A helping others

B opening a store

C buying a house

D supporting his family

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第三段的“I would then donate 100 percent of that money”可知,Eli把卖面包赚的钱全部捐出去了。故选A。

3.What does the underlined word “purchase” mean?

A Remove.

B Beg.

C Buy.

D Observe.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据前文第三段的“anyone who wanted to buy it from the street, could”可知Eli制作面包来售卖,并结合第四段的“word about the good food spread”可知,越来越多的人知道Eli卖烧烤的事,又根据后面的“Eli realized it was time to expand”可知,Eli决定把产业扩大,因此可推测,人们排着长队“购买”他制作的食物。故选C。

4.What kind of person is Eli according to the text?

A Ambitious and proud.

B Confident and brave.

C Hopeful and clever.

D Kind and generous.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,Eli把卖烧烤和面包的钱用来帮助别人,并且如果有人购买他的食物时付不起钱,他们就不必付钱。由此可见Eli是善良又慷慨的人。故选D。