
A Tokyo clothing maker has worked with an animal doctor to create a wearable cooling device for pets like dogs and cats. The company hopes that the fan will help pets that cannot drop their fur coats during Japans sweltering summer time. Comprising a battery-operated, 80-gram fan connected to a set of breathable clothes, the system circulates cool air across the animal.

Rei Uzawa is president of clothing maker Sweet Mommy. She wanted to create the device after seeing her pet suffering in the heat. She said her dog was very tired every time it was taken out for a walk. Uzawa said that she got her idea from seeing wearable air conditioners, like Sonys Reon Pocket. The Sony device can remove heat to cool the human body. Sweet Mommys device is called Cool Dog but it is good for cats, too.  

There was almost no rainy season this year, so the hot days came early, and in that sense, I think we developed a product that is right for the market, Uzawa said. The Japanese capital suffered the longest heatwave on record. Temperatures up to 35 degrees Celsius were recorded for nine days.

I usually use dry ice packs (to keep the dog cool). But its easier to walk my dog if we have this fan, said Mami Kumamoto. She is the owner of two dogs, a small dog named Pudding and a dog named Maco.

The device came out in early July. Uzawa said Sweet Mommy has received around 100 orders for the product. It comes in five different sizes for a price of about $74. It is expected that demand will not drop off any time quickly. Temperatures will rise once more on the weekend after the arrival of a high-pressure system over a lot of the nation.


1.What does the underlined word “sweltering” mean?

A Very freezing.

B Very influential.

C Pleasantly cool.

D Extremely hot.

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据前面的“a wearable cooling device”和“the fan will help pets that cannot drop their fur coats”可知,这种可穿戴的降温设备能帮助那些夏季不能脱下“毛皮大衣”的宠物降温。夏季是炎热(hot)的,因此动物才需要降温。故选D。

2.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A How Rei Uzawa’s pet suffered in the heat.

B How Rei Uzawa got the idea of the device.

C Why the Sony device is popular among people.

D Who can use Sweet Mommy’s device.

解析:选B。B 段落大意题。该段主要讲了Rei Uzawa在看到她的宠物每次在酷热的夏天出去散步时都热得无精打采,受到了启发。可穿戴空调给了她灵感。因此该段讲述了她是怎么产生发明可穿戴风扇的想法的。故选B。

3.What did Mami Kumamoto think of using the device?

A Convenient.

B Tiring.

C Costly.

D Risky.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文中的“I usually use dry ice packs (to keep the dog cool). But it’s easier to walk my dog if we have this fan,”可知,Mami Kumamoto通常使用干冰包给狗狗降温。有了这个风扇,遛狗对她来说会更容易,因此她认为这个设备是方便的。故选A。

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A Not many people knew the device.

B Demand for the device will drop off quickly.

C There could be an increase in orders of the device.

D Cooling will be experienced by Japan.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文中的“It is expected that demand will not drop off any time quickly. Temperatures will rise once more on the weekend after the arrival of a high-pressure system over a lot of the nation.”可知,作者预计人们对这种宠物可穿戴风扇的需求不会很快下降,因为本周末日本的大部分地区气温将再次升高,因此未来的日子里,可穿戴风扇的订单量可能会增加。故选C。