
Elizabeth Bonker is making a distinctive speech(演讲). She doesn’t say a word. She uses text-to-speech software(语音合成软件) to give the speech.

For much of her life, she never even thought she could talk with others, because she has nonspeaking autism(无语言自闭症). She hasn’t spoken since she was 15 months old. With the help of other students and teachers, she dealt with many difficulties. Now she can “talk” with others by typing(打字).

“God(上帝) gave you a voice, use it,” Elizabeth says. In her speech, she also talks about the problems she met and how she kept on going. Her story and speech give hope to others who also have autism.


1.What does the underlined word “distinctive” mean?

A Important.

B Different.

C Funny.

D Quick.


2.Elizabeth doesn’t speak because of her________.

A teachers

B family

C illness

D study

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句的“because she has nonspeaking autism.”可知伊丽莎白不说话是因为她患上了一种叫无语言自闭症的病。故选C。

3.The second paragraph talks about Elizabeth’s ___________.

A speech

B problem

C school

D friends


4.What does Elizabeth ask others to do?

A To make a speech.

B To use their voice.

C To buy a keyboard.

D To use their eyes.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段的“God gave you a voice, use it,”可知,伊丽莎白要人们把自己的声音用起来。故选B。

5.In which part of a newspaper can we find the passage?

A People.

B Sports.

C Music.

D Geography.
