猫咪流浪在外瘦成皮包骨 前主人邻居伸出援手
猫咪流浪在外瘦成皮包骨 前主人邻居伸出援手

Steph and Francis’s neighbor(邻居) moved out. But she didn’t take her cat. At first, the cat came to their house every day. They gave him food. “He looked clean and healthy. He was very friendly. He looked like our cat, Pruno, so we call him Granpruno,” said Steph.

To help the cat, Steph called an animal rescue(救援组织). But before rescue workers could come to take Granpruno, Steph and Francis couldn’t find the cat.

Two weeks later, when Steph and Francis took out the trash, they saw Granpruno again. He was sitting inside their garbage bin(垃圾桶). Sadly, he looked like a whole different animal. He was all skin and bones and he didn’t seem good at all. Steph and Francis took him home. They loved the cat very much. So they kept him.  


1.Who was the owner of Granpruno?

A Steph.

B Francis.

C Pruno.

D A neighbor.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段的“Steph and Francis’s neighbor moved out. But she didn’t take her cat.”可知,这只猫的主人是这对夫妇的一个邻居。故选D。

2.Why did Steph and Francis call the cat Granpruno?

A Because he was healthy and friendly.

B Because he looked like their cat Pruno.

C Because it was the name of their farm.

D Because it was the name of their street.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段的“He looked like our cat, Pruno, so we call him Granpruno”可知,这只猫长得像他们的猫Pruno,因此他们叫他Granpruno。故选B。

3.Granpruno was lost for _________.

A a week

B two weeks

C a month

D two months

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Steph and Francis couldn’t find the cat.”以及第三段第一句“Two weeks later, when Steph and Francis took out the trash, they saw Granpruno again.”可知,这只猫失踪了两周。故选B。

4.What does the underlined part “all skin and bones” probably mean?

A Healthy.

B Fat.

C Thin.

D Long.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据前文可知这只猫待在垃圾桶里,结合后文“he didn’t seem good at all”可知他一点也不好,由此推断这时这只猫当时应该很瘦。故选C。

5.In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?

A Animals.

B Workers.

C Clothes.

D Places.
