女士意外收到陌生人邀请函 贴心准备礼物
女士意外收到陌生人邀请函 贴心准备礼物

A woman in Indiana sent a gift to a couple(夫妇) in California after she got an invitation(邀请) to their baby shower.

The couple are David and Candace. They live in California. They were going to have a baby shower to welcome their baby girl, Luna. They sent out many invitations. Angela lives in Indiana. She got the invitation by accident(偶然).

“I don’t know them, but I want to do something for the baby girl,” said Angela. She sent them a blanket(毯子). She also sent them a letter. In the letter, she told them why she sent them the gift.



1.Where does the woman live?

A In Indiana.

B In London.

C In New York.

D In California.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段的“A woman in Indiana”可知,这位女士住在印第安纳州。故选A。

2.What does Paragraph 2 tell us?

A Why the couple had a baby.

B What the couple did for the baby shower.

C When the baby shower was.

D Who would come to the couple’s home.


3.Who does the underlined word “them” refer to?

A Angela and her son.

B The baby girl and her dad.

C The couple.

D Angela and her daughter.


4.What did Angela send to the couple?

A A cake and a cup.

B A letter and a cup.

C A blanket and a cup.

D A blanket and a letter.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段的“She sent them a blanket. She also sent them a letter.”可知,这位女士送给这对夫妇一条毯子和一封信。故选D。

5.Where can we find the passage?

A In a map.

B In a newspaper.

C On a stamp.

D In a dictionary.
