
Bertha is 104 years old. She has a dream. She wants to hold a penguin(企鹅). On June 1, she did it.

Ashley is a volunteer(志愿者). She always helps people. The Twilight Wish Foundation works to make old people’s dreams come true. One day Ashley came to know Bertha’s dream. She asked the Foundation to help Bertha.

Bertha’s daughter and granddaughter also saw the penguin. “I am just so excited for her,” granddaughter Karen said. 


1.Bertha was born(出生) in _________.

A 1918

B 1917

C 1916

D 1915

解析:选A。A数字计算题。根据第一段的“Bertha is 104 years old.”可知贝莎今年104岁,由此可推算她出生于(2022-104=)1918年。故选A。

2.When did Bertha hold a penguin?

A On Teachers’ Day.

B On Children’s Day.

C On Mother’s Day.

D On Father’s Day.

解析:选B。 B细节理解题。根据第一段的“On June 1, she did it.”可知,在6月1号即儿童节那天,贝莎的梦想实现了。故选B。

3.Who may the Twilight Wish Foundation help?

A 89-year-old David.

B 9-year-old Lisa.

C 23-year-old Tina.

D 35-year-old Jelly.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第二段的“The Twilight Wish Foundation works to make old people’s dreams come true.”可知,这个组织致力于帮助老年人实现梦想,因此89岁的大卫最可能受到该组织的帮助。故选A。

4._________ didn’t see the penguin.

A Bertha

B Karen

C Komor’s son

D Komor’s daughter

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Bertha’s daughter and granddaughter also saw the penguin.”和“granddaughter Karen”可知,贝莎和女儿、孙女一起去看的企鹅,并未提到她的儿子。故选C。

5.What is the title(题目) for the passage?

A Bertha loves all animals.

B Bertha has a lot of dreams.

C Bertha likes visiting the zoo.

D Bertha’s dream comes true.
