女人挽救落水松鼠 现在他们成了好朋友
女人挽救落水松鼠 现在他们成了好朋友

One day, a woman found a squirrel in the water. She quickly got it out of the water.

The weather was cold. The little squirrel was shaking(发抖). It couldn’t move. So the woman took it to her house. She made it warm. She also gave it some food.

A few hours later, the squirrel got better. So the woman let it back outside to its own home.

Now the squirrel comes to the woman’s house every day. And the woman feeds it every day, too.  



1.The woman got the squirrel out from the _________.

A lake

B river

C water

D shop

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段的“She quickly got it out of the water.”可知,这个女人从水中救出了松鼠。故选C。

2.Why could not the squirrel move?

A Because it felt cold.

B Because it felt hot.

C Because it felt sad.

D Because it felt angry.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段前三句“The weather was cold. The little squirrel was shaking. It couldn’t move.”可知,这只松鼠冷得发抖,所以它无法移动。故选A。

3.The woman took the squirrel to _________.

A a park

B a forest

C her house

D a hospital

解析:选C。 C细节理解题。根据第二段的“So the woman took it to her house.”可知,这个女人将松鼠带回了家。故选C。

4.After getting better, the squirrel___________ .

A went home

B went to bed

C wen to school

D stayed with the woman

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段的“So the woman let it back outside to its own home.”可知,松鼠恢复后,女人放它回家了。故选A。

5.The woman gives the squirrel _________ every day.

A books

B clothes

C fish

D food

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据最后一段的“And the woman feeds it every day, too.”可知,现在这个女人每天都会喂松鼠,即给松鼠食物。故选D。