
Seven years ago Luz Rueda, then a 21-year-old single mother, was holding her screaming infant son. She thought about whether to    1    almost all of the money she had left before payday to buy diapers for her baby. “I    2    there so long until I finally decided on the box that my son had lost his    3    and was screaming and crying for us to leave,” Rueda said. “I was so lost in my son’s    4    that I didn’t even notice the woman in front of me had    5    my box of diapers.”

Rueda never got a    6    to say “thank you” to the woman    7    she’s now paying it forward. “Even though this was many years ago, I    8    think about her all the time,” she said. She had a box and three bags of diapers at her home, so she posted an    9    message on the Internet, sharing the story of the stranger who    10    her. She would offer to do the same for other moms in    11    situations. “I would like to give to four young single mothers, but please feel    12    to message me even if you don’t meet these    13   ,” she wrote at the end of the post.

Rueda hopes the mothers she helped will return the    14    someday to someone else in need. “I really hope she sees this and sees how she    15    other people’s lives as well.”


1.She thought about whether to (1) almost all of the money she had left before payday to buy diapers for her baby.

A save

B share

C use

D donate

解析:选C。C 从后面的“she had left before payday”可以得知她考虑是否“用(use)”身上所有的钱给孩子买纸尿裤。该题容易误选B,认为Rueda是把自己的钱“分享(share)”出去,然而此时的Rueda是一个没有钱的人,根本不可能把自己的钱分享给其他人。

2.“I (2) there so long until I finally decided on the box that my son had lost his (3) and was screaming and crying for us to leave,” Rueda said.

A stood

B drew

C drove

D jumped

解析:选A。 A 根据第1题前面的“She thought about whether”可以得知她对是否买纸尿裤感到犹豫,所以她就在那里“站着(stood)”。

3.“I (2) there so long until I finally decided on the box that my son had lost his (3) and was screaming and crying for us to leave,” Rueda said.

A peace

B balance

C charge

D patience

解析:选D。D 从后面的“and was screaming and crying for us to leave”可以得知孩子在喊叫,说明孩子失去了继续呆在那里的“耐心(patience)”。

4.I was so lost in my son’s (4) that I didn’t even notice the woman in front of me had (5) my box of diapers.

A tears

B questions

C books

D clothes

解析:选A。A 从第3题后面的“crying for us to leave”可以得知孩子开始哭泣了,因此Rueda关注的是儿子的“眼泪(tears)”。

5.I was so lost in my son’s (4) that I didn’t even notice the woman in front of me had (5) my box of diapers.

A picked up

B threw away

C paid for

D took down

解析:选C。C 从文章第6题后面的“say ‘thank you’ to the woman”可以得知那位女士替作者“付款(paid for)”了。

6.Rueda never got a (6) to say “thank you” to the woman (7) she’s now paying it forward.

A place

B room

C site

D chance

解析:选D。D 由于不知道那个帮助她的人是谁,因此她没有“机会(chance)”对那个帮助她的人说谢谢。

7.Rueda never got a (6) to say “thank you” to the woman (7) she’s now paying it forward.

A because

B before

C though

D so

解析:选D。D 是因为没有机会感谢那个帮助她的人,“所以”她把这份爱心往下传递,所以此处要用so。

8.“Even though this was many years ago, I (8) think about her all the time,” she said.

A still

B never

C hardly

D even

解析:选A。A 从前面的让步状语从句“Even though this was many years ago”可以得知虽然这是很多年前的事情,她“仍然(still)”还记得那个帮助她的人。

9.She had a box and three bags of diapers at her home, so she posted an (9) message on the Internet, sharing the story of the stranger who (10) her.

A emotional

B old

C intelligent

D honest

解析:选A。A 有人帮助了Rueda,此处Rueda发了一个“动情的”帖子来帮助另外一些需要帮助的人,所以此处要用emotional。

10.She had a box and three bags of diapers at her home, so she posted an (9) message on the Internet, sharing the story of the stranger who (10) her.

A harmed

B destroyed

C fed

D helped

解析:选D。D 她在帖子中分享了有人“帮助(helped)”她的故事。

11.She would offer to do the same for other moms in (11) situations.

A easy

B similar

C different

D generous

解析:选B。B 她想帮助那些和她原来处境相似的人,所以此处要用similar。

12.“I would like to give to four young single mothers, but please feel (12) to message me even if you don’t meet these (13),” she wrote at the end of the post.

A sad

B happy

C free

D calm

解析:选C。C 即使不满足条件,也可以和她取得联系(来拿纸尿裤),所以此处要用feel free to do something。

13.“I would like to give to four young single mothers, but please feel (12) to message me even if you don’t meet these (13),” she wrote at the end of the post.

A needs

B qualifications

C levels

D names

解析:选B。B 根据11题后面的“I would like to give to four young single mothers”可以得知,Rueda想把纸尿裤送给满足年轻的单身母亲这个“条件”的人,所以此处要用qualifications。

14.Rueda hopes the mothers she helped will return the (14) someday to someone else in need.

A reward

B kindness

C pity

D shame

解析:选B。B根据前文作者得到了陌生人的帮助和后文“someone else in need”可知她希望接受她帮助的人可以回报她的“善举”,继续帮助其他人。

15.I really hope she sees this and sees how she (15) other people’s lives as well.

A affected

B destroyed

C ruined

D organized

解析:选A。A 那个陌生人的行为“影响了(affected)”其他人的生活,给其他人的生活带来了积极的影响。