
A woman bought a plane ticket. The plane would fly to Thailand from Canada. The ticket was for the tourist class(经济舱), but this woman sat down in the business class(商务舱).

A stewardess(女乘务员) told the woman that her ticket was for the tourist class, but the woman didn’t want to change her seat. So the stewardess went to the pilot. She asked him for help. The pilot went over to the woman. He whispered in her ear. The woman stood up in surprise and went back to the tourist class.

The stewardess was surprised. So she asked the pilot, “What did you tell her?” The pilot answered, “I told her that business class is not flying to Thailand.” 


1.Where was the woman?

A China.

B Canada.

C Thailand.

D An island.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段的“The plane would fly to Thailand from Canada.”可知,这趟航班从加拿大飞往泰国,因此这个女人在加拿大。故选B。

2.What did the stewardess want the woman to do?

A Meet the pilot.

B Take another plane.

C Sit in the tourist class.

D Sit in the business class.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“A stewardess told the woman that her ticket was for the tourist class”可知,女乘务员想让这个女人坐在经济舱。故选C。

3.What does the underlined word “whispered” mean?

A Said quietly.

B Shouted.

C Spoke happily.

D Sang.


4.The pilot is _________.

A quiet

B sick

C smart

D busy


5.The passage is probably a _________.

A story

B poem

C song

D play
