
Some people feel they don’t have the chance to change the world. They feel they    1    either time or money. Charley Johnson wants to change all that.

Charley Johnson is an    2    person with his mind set to change the world. And he wants everyone in the world to    3    making that change. In his words “the simplest ideas have the greatest    4   ”.

It is an idea that has been    5    for some time—a Hollywood movie has shown it for the audience. Charley is determined to put it into    6    with the help of a bracelet carved “pay it forward”. “I don’t know what or why, but this white bracelet makes it    7    for people to follow the idea. It is around your wrist that    8    you to be generous”. With over a million bracelets in circulation in over 60 different countries Charley does have some    9    to back up his statement. And no    10    is ever needed, the idea responds beautifully with people    11    languages and cultures.

Charley has this feeling that this is what the world    12 . It is his ambition to make the world a better place by    13    others to do so. He believes the smallest acts of    14    — opening a door, helping someone carry something and so on have great effects on people’s soul. “We have something like 3,000 thoughts a day, what if, by wearing this    15    we can change our thoughts — so that most of them will be positive”. 


1.They feel they(1)either time or money.

A lack

B manage

C preserve

D share

解析:选A。A 文章第一句的“Some people feel they don’t have the chance to change the world”人们认为自己没有机会改变世界,这句是解释他们感觉没有机会的原因:他们认为自己“缺少”时间或者金钱,所以此处要用lack。

2.Charley Johnson is an (2) person with his mind set to change the world.

A anxious

B important

C enthusiastic

D intelligent

解析:选C。C 根据下面的“set to change the world”可以推知其他人都认为没法改变世界,只有Charley Johnson下定决心要改变世界,因此他是一个“有着满腔热忱的人”,所以此处要用enthusiastic。

3.And he wants everyone in the world to(3)making that change.

A get in

B hand in

C give in

D participate in

解析:选D。D Charley不仅自己行动起来改变世界,并且他希望世界上的其他人都参与进来改变这个世界,所以此处要用participate in。

4.In his words “the simplest ideas have the greatest(4)”.

A effect

B damage

C attitude

D shelter

解析:选A。 A 最简单的理念往往会带来最好的效果,所以此处要用effect。

5.It is an idea that has been(5)for some time—a Hollywood movie has shown it for the audience.

A sinking

B circulating

C sheltering

D advertising

解析:选B。B 从下句的“a Hollywood movie has shown it for the audience”可知这个理念流传很久了,所以此处要用circulating。

6.Charley is determined to put it into(6)with the help of a bracelet carved “pay it forward”.

A similarity

B security

C reality

D opportunity

解析:选C。C 他想在雕刻有“pay it forward”的手镯的帮助下,把那个理念付诸实践;所以此处要用put it into reality。

7.I don’t know what or why, but this white bracelet makes it(7)for people to follow the idea.

A smaller

B busier

C weaker

D easier

解析:选D。D 有了雕刻在手镯上的信念,因此人们能很“容易”遵守这个理念,所以此处要用easier。

8.It is around your wrist that(8)you to be generous

A reminds

B asks

C sends

D trains

解析:选A。A 手镯能不断地“提醒”人们要更加慷慨些,所以此处要用reminds。

9.With over a million bracelets in circulation in over 60 different countries Charley does have some(9)to back up his statement.

A quality

B charge

C evidence

D signal

解析:选C。C 后面的内容是Charley能支持自己说法的“证据”,所以此处要用evidence。

10.And no(10)is ever needed, the idea responds beautifully with people(11)languages and cultures.

A protection

B translation

C devotion

D invitation

解析:选B。B 根据第11题的“the idea responds beautifully with people 11 languages and cultures”可知来自不同语言和文化的人对此反响良好,所以是不需要翻译的。

11.And no(10)is ever needed, the idea responds beautifully with people(11)languages and cultures.

A between

B beyond

C across

D in

解析:选C。C 遍及各种语言和文化用介词across。

12.Charley has this feeling that this is what the world(12).

A needs

B hates

C confirms

D impresses

解析:选A。A Charley认为人们慷慨地传递爱这件事是世界所需要的,所以此处要用needs。

13.It is his ambition to make the world a better place by(13)others to do so.

A forcing

B inspiring

C trapping

D quarreling

解析:选B。B 从上文的给人们雕刻有字的手镯,我们可以得知他想“鼓励”人们去把这个世界变得更美好,所以此处要用inspiring。

14.He believes the smallest acts of(14)— opening a door, helping someone carry something and so on have great effects on people’s soul.

A efficiency

B emotion

C kindness

D prejudice

解析:选C。 C 下面的“opening a door, helping someone carry something and so on”都是一些善举,所以此处要用kindness。此题容易误选D,此处应该是“善良(kindness)”而不是“偏见(prejudice)”。

15.“We have something like 3,000 thoughts a day, what if, by wearing this(15)we can change our thoughts — so that most of them will be positive”.

A jacket

B bracelet

C coat

D watch

解析:选B。B 根据第6题后面的“with the help of a bracelet”可知人们手上带的是手镯,所以此处要用bracelet。